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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Muzik nightclub lease extension decision pushed to 2016
In 2012, Muzik asked Exhibition Place for a ten-year extension in order to amortize its proposed $5-million investment to expand and enhance the outdoor patio area. The following year, the owner was told to apply for an Official Plan amendment before council could consider the request.

The club didn’t apply and went ahead to build swimming pools and installed cabanas on the large outdoor patio. At Monday’s executive committee meeting, Councillor David Shiner asked why the city would grant the extension now when the renovations are done.
I have a guy like this in my building. First time we spoke he bounced up to me and said Robbie was the best mayor ever. This is a TCHC building and the guy's been on some kind of disability for years and years and he waits in the lobby for his grandkids to be dropped off by the school bus. I said "So what's so great about Rob Ford?" I got the standard No Tax Increase BS, so I said, so he saved you $60 in the car registration "tax" and he mumbled something like "Well, no", then I asked him how much property tax he'd saved, and I got a blank stare. Then I said, but you'll save tons when you buy a half-Million $ condo when Rob eliminates the Land Transfer Tax, right? I asked him if he used the TTC, and when he said he did I pointed out that the fare increase was the money he'd "saved" in car registration fees, and he started yelling at me that Rob Ford owned the building and if I wasn't careful the Mayor would kick me out! He could even sell the building! I said I'd like to see him try.

A couple of month later, after the booze and crack stuff had come out we met in the elevator. All the way down to the lobby he blabbered on at me. When the door opened and I saw a few of his buddies standing around waiting for the mail. I turned on the guy and said, okay you like Rob Ford so much would you want him for a brother in law, or a son in law? Seeing him you'd have thought I slapped him. He took a minute and blubbered, NO!, well, no of course not. I said to him that's ok, "and just so you know, I haven't gotten my eviction notice yet."

Memory Lane : When RF was first elected he fired the TCHC Board and Senior staff and put his buddy Case Ootes in charge to "clean up the mess". First thing he did was install an anonymous Snitch Line. I'll bet my Ford fanboy neighbor "snitched" on me, and when I wasn't evicted he probably called Robbie directly to complain that TCHC wasn't doing its job!

It takes all kinds. I hope your wife isn't too weirded out by her co-worker, Jimmi. (This is the building Rae Deeton claimed Rob bought crack from.)

Imagine if Robbie had his critics evicted? I wouldn't be surprised if he tried. I actually had a coworker tell me how much she loved Doug during the last election and that she wanted to work on his campaign. I asked her why and she said because he's the only candidate who's real. I told her how often the Fords blatantly lie but couldn't get through to her. She just kept saying how real he was.

I wouldn't be surprised--I bet Ford has crack contacts throughout the city when he needs to hit the pipe.
And it's funny how all these anecdotal supporters have evident screws loose and "issues" of their own--yeah, to them RoFo was a "get out of jail free" card, all right...
There's this guy at my wife's work who for some reason has started to randomly tell her how much he loves Rob Ford all the time. He says "So what if he wants to smoke crack on his own time?" I think I would lose it if someone said that to me. It's odd too, he's a religious conservative and yet he condones the mayor crack smoking? He's also Pakistani and yet he doesn't mind that Ford mocked that cab driver with the accent and calls people Pakis? He did also smoke crack and drink during work hours. There's no hope talking sense into people like him though.

Well, anything to rationalize sticking with the guy, right? Crack smoking, racism, drunkenness ... terrible if his opponent does it, evidence of humanness and imperfection when Ford does it and also lies about it. Maybe you're perfect.
Just when you thought he couldn't look like a bigger douchebag...

Hey Jimmi... Question for you (going back a few posts to one of your comments about Rob's drug history): You know more about the man in his native context than most of us. So, what do you think he means when he says he's been sober for whatever number of months? I take it to mean he hasn't gotten drunk. Maybe a few pops here and there, but nothing to get worked up about. I also imagine he's smoking weed, as many people do. So, Rob is guilding the lily, but I'll give him a pass because I don't get the sense he's spinning big lies. How about you?

One more thing. My guess is that Rob's (relative?) sobriety has way more to do with the psychological and physical impacts of his PLS diagnosis than his efforts at rehab. Thoughts?
and remember...
The uncertainty that surrounds the statues is only increased by the mystery surrounding Muzik's lease. After two separate FOI (Freedom of Information) inquiries - one from the Toronto Star, and one from lawyers representing the Cox family - the terms of the lease remain obfuscated as the paragraphs relating to the sculpture have been redacted.
layton makes some interesting points here...
“Essentially, it’s disposing of property for 20 years and our Official Plan considers that a permanent disposal of property... It’d be like looking at High Park and saying, you know what, Grenadier Pond is not being used, let’s turn it into something and rent it out for private use permanently for over 20 years.”
“What if we decide to change direction at Exhibition Place because of something going on at Ontario Place? What if we decide there needs to be a more significant master planning exercise? This would mean we’d have to wait until 2034 to extricate ourselves from a lease with a tenant. That’s a long time.”

so since the original lease was/is for 21 years, hasn't the city already 'permanently disposed' of the property?
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