This looks better:$75.00) &Button=Generate+Ransom+Note
AoD$75.00) &Button=Generate+Ransom+Note
Aw, cut 'em some slack. The kerning is flawless.
View attachment 43705
In case (1) you were thinking of attending or (2) you were thinking that it costs $525 before a rebate of $225 from the City.
Oddly, the postal code is missing. I hope that folks can find Mom's place without it.
The font changes and pretty-much-random capitalization look almost "professional" enough to have been created by Dan Jacobs! More likely, however, the entire newsletter is a Graeme ("the weenie") MacEacheran production (probably done on the same computer that, according to him, miraculously deactivates his Twitter account when shut down and reactivates it on start-up).
ETA: We "can" say with "a fair" measure of confidence "that" it was "not done" by Joey the Worm.
Why does the rebate program make you mad? Those rebates allow people who can't afford to make a significant contribution to a campaign to participate in politics in a meaningful way. $300 towards a preferred candidate's efforts is hella better than $75, when that is all you can afford. It's a good thing for democracy, even if you don't like that the Fords benefit from it too. And people can choose to pursue the rebate or not, depending on their financial circumstances.
I do believe the rebate program should be restricted to Toronto residents, but that's a different story.
Same old sh!t for the same old price, but now he's figured out how to charge the city instead of individual Folks -- and gross 4 times as much.
Abuse the process? Gravy Train? Nothing to see here, peeps. Just Etobicoke free-market entrepreneurs in action.
It's a good thing they don't do these things for a living.
as a point of our own personal honour, we should strive for accuracy in using someone's name... Graeme ("the weenie") MacEacheran ...
as a point of our own personal honour, we should strive for accuracy in using someone's name
it's Graeme McEachern
i too have called him a weenie but i now regret doing so... be he a weenie or be he not, i'm a try to rise above name-calling
god help me, i did enough of that in The Ford Years™
My imagination fails at "fun". Wonder if the date is correct though. May 14 is a school
True. I'm just happy they're having fun and getting some good use out of Print Shop.
(People remember Print Shop, right?)
I seriously doubt either Dan or Graeme would turn out something that hideous. No, this reminds me of the old print shop (not Print Shop) days when the boys in blue overalls in the back room were always happy to have a go at design & layout. It has the stamp of the entirely untrained eye let loose in a world o'fonts and clip art (proofreading optional). Some fella at Deco was only to happy to do Master Doug's bidding and crank this out for free.
as a point of our own personal honour, we should strive for accuracy in using someone's name
it's Graeme McEachern
The invitation is embedded in the electronic (e-mailed) newsletter and I cannot find any indication that it exists in any other form or medium (e.g., printed), so I am betting that it was created by the individual who composed the newsletter using the generic publishing software referred to in the html address.
ETA: And since Graeme is the Constituency Assistant I think the odds are high that he is the culprit.
That second quote sums up the problem here in a nutshell. Yes, for democracy's sake, it's good that ordinary people can contribute to the electoral process if they're so inclined, and the city's rebate program helps with that. But the Fords are stinking rich, so isn't this yet another example of them knowing the rules and abusing them for their own purely personal, selfish gain? Would it be permissible for them to save money on grocery bills by using the local food bank? After all, all that sweet 'free' food would only be going to moochers and deadbeats otherwise.
And, as with so many of their antics, can you imagine the screeching from Team Ford if a political rival they disapproved of were to pull this kind of stunt? "Adam Vaughn's wealthy, ell-eet-ist followers are all rich as shit, so they don't need no stinkin' rebates! It's gravy, folks! All gravy!!!" They'd be dining out on that for weeks at all the usual sympathetic media sources. We'd likely never hear the end of it.
And, as the first quote from Kaboi so sadly proves, intelligent, well-meaning people who should bloody well know better are still perfectly prepared to let Slob and Thug get away with these shenanigans. Presumably because it would be churlish to raise a fuss.