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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Tramps? I thought that was his worship's niece. Speaking of tramps, well here is more evidence of your tax dollars at work - for someone else- from the Globe:


Front page of the Ontario edition! I'm thinking that Mayor Ford's "i'm just an idiot." defence is getting harder and harder to believe. How do you plead 'error' when you're leaving such a trail? I'm now leaning to 'he's gone'. He's not going to run again... The job takes up too much valuable football time.
It's becoming clearer and clearer (to me) that Ford isn't a bad guy, a shyster, a liar, a cunning opportunist, an ideologue, a whatever. He's actually just a very incompetent, incapable boy in a grown man's body.

As a result of that, he's most or all of the things above. But not intentionally, not by design, but instead by happenstance, by default. It's an odd thing, but it just strikes me that this circus we're watching is the unfolding of a man who has lead a life designed for him by his father, his family, his wealth, when all he really wants to do is slap guys' bums on a football field. And somehow he's found himself in one of the most prominent political jobs in the country.

Bizarre and frankly pathetic.
That's actually a very good analysis of Ford. His initial reaction to almost any accusation is to deny it happened (e,g. the swearing at the Air Canada Centre) - just like many young kids.

It is sad and frankly worrying that many people in Toronto voted for him (and many of them continue to support him) and that many quite sensible right-wing Councillors continue to make excuses for him.
This is just making it too easy for Judge Hackland. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a verdict before the end of this month.
It looks like big bro Doug is sent to defend Rob again, and pour even more gasoline on the flames.

Will the Globe and Mail join the Star on their enemies list?

Excerpt from G&M above:

Councillor Ford said the media should focus on the good work the mayor does with the many poor, fatherless youth he supports through his volunteer coaching duties with the Don Bosco Eagles and the Rexdale Raiders.

“This is all about two things: Rob Ford and football,” he said. “If it was the tree-huggers or whatever, you wouldn’t care.”

Councillor Ford accused The Globe of unjustly attacking his brother and vowed to take a tougher stance with the media.”

“I’m changing my rules,” he said. “Every time you guys go after Rob, I’m going after you.”
I’m changing my rules,” he said. “Every time you guys go after Rob, I’m going after you.”

Haven't it occurred to him that changing "my rules" instead of following "the rules" is what got his big brother into trouble in the first place?

I think we should rename two of the TBMs "Dumb and Dumber" just to mark this occasion.

This is just making it too easy for Judge Hackland. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a verdict before the end of this month.

The hearing is now closed. The judge has to consider what was presented in court and can't take media into consideration. The current news is great grounds for any citizen to bring in another complaint, though.

It must be tough to be Rob Ford now. He probably hates getting up in the morning at this point, especially knowing that his credibility has gone completely out the door. If he's not removed by the judge, he should just quit now. He's toast.
The hearing is now closed. The judge has to consider what was presented in court and can't take media into consideration. The current news is great grounds for any citizen to bring in another complaint, though.

It must be tough to be Rob Ford now. He probably hates getting up in the morning at this point, especially knowing that his credibility has gone completely out the door. If he's not removed by the judge, he should just quit now. He's toast.

Except that the current news appears to be proof that the Mayor lied under oath, which makes his entire testimony suspect. How can the judge base a verdict off of that?
The hearing is now closed. The judge has to consider what was presented in court and can't take media into consideration. The current news is great grounds for any citizen to bring in another complaint, though.

It must be tough to be Rob Ford now. He probably hates getting up in the morning at this point, especially knowing that his credibility has gone completely out the door. If he's not removed by the judge, he should just quit now. He's toast.

My point is that the judge has plenty of evidence to convict Ford and is probably looking for a way out because a guilty verdict carries the burden of evicting an elected Mayor. Seeing further behavior consistent with charges Ford is on trial for and increasing public support for his ouster may give Justice Hackland little reason to bother trying to prevent Ford's eviction.
Tramps? I thought that was his worship's niece. Speaking of tramps, well here is more evidence of your tax dollars at work - for someone else- from the Globe:


from the article:

On Tuesday, Mr. Gillis’s day included donning a T-shirt and ball cap to help Mr. Ford lead the Don Bosco Eagles in a practice that started around 3:30 p.m. at the high-school team’s home field in Etobicoke.

another article:
Councillor Doug Ford called The Globe and Mail Wednesday morning to say the mayor’s office employees who are helping with his brother’s football programs are doing so as “volunteers” after clocking their 40-hour weeks on the taxpayer’s dime.

wow, Mr. Gillis was able to squeeze in his 40-hour week by Tuesday 3:30 pm !
Weird: in the aftermath of the trial, they're exercising even *more* defiant bravado--like they know they're cornered, and are saying "come and get us, I dare you to".

Wouldn't be surprised if either Rob, or Doug, or both are in handcuffs by the end of the year. (And of course, the usual Automation Gallery and spider types in this thread will claim it was all a frame, a set-up, etc by people who "won't respect the will of the voting public", etc)
I'm far from a Ford supporter, but this latest controversy about staff helping Ford's football coaching amounts to throwing crap on the wall and seeing what sticks. And considering how much has already, it seems silly to focus on this issue.

It appears that said staff were volunteering, and were not forced to attend. If I were a city staff member and had an interest in football, given the opportunity I would probably volunteer as well.

Now if this is a case where staff aren't "forced" to help, but... then yes there could be an issue. And perhaps it could create a situation where staff feel pressured to volunteer, but there is no evidence or even accusations that such is the case. It is purely speculation.
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