Senior Member
I'm from Scarborough and I feel the same way when they blame all of us.
I am primarily a driver and I am going to avoid streets with these streetcars. I am not sure they will attract new riders, most people I know just hate public transit. If I worked downtown I'd take TTC but so many people I know still drive even though it's horrible. A lot of people simply don't like crowds.
I have never been a driver, and unless it is more than an hour one way for me, I don't need transit. When I was younger I biked everywhere.
I sympathize with drivers, but congestion is not caused by anything but drivers, mostly bad drivers, not to say there are not a lot of cyclists, or pedestrians that should not be allowed out of the house alone.
Fordians like to talk about evolution and progress in all modes of transportation, it's ironic that they have not evolved past their "war on the car". Evolution will always win no matter how much you try to slow it down.
I feel the same way. I am not sure he should be outing Mikey but the Fords also shouldn't be putting him in this position. He's going to be eaten alive by anti-Fordians.
The Fords don't understand social media as well as they think they do, like a lot of things. Outing someone is deplorable to me, and such actions are ignorant and only show contempt.