OSS 117
Senior Member
I think Rob just votes 'No' because of his own personal issues. It's not even as concrete as he's against everything -- remember, he voted no on the Mandela vote just because he wasn't listening -- but rather that he's convinced himself all government is bad, so I vote 'no' on everything. My personal belief is that he thought becoming Mayor would allow him to effectively vote no -- i.e., actually just stop all government like an Ayn Rand character writ large -- and then he became Mayor and realized that it doesn't work that way. Ever since, his substance abuse has been worse as he tries to solve the cognitive dissonance in his head.
The psychologist who 'distance diagnosed' him as having no ability for abstract thought was bang on, IMHO.
And, in an ADMA-like dark twist, I think Ford getting re-elected will almost assuredly kill the man. It'll take about two weeks before he's once again stripped of his powers and this time he wouldn't even get the grace of his first year+ with rookies like Matlow, nor the 'comfort' of his pathetic relationship with his brother. I'd put him on suicide watch election night.
If he wins, I'd put him on tarred-and feathered watch on election night. I really don't think people would stand for it.