Senior Member
Y'know what I'm thinking? Sober Rob is kind of a jerk!
He has always been a jerk.
Y'know what I'm thinking? Sober Rob is kind of a jerk!
Y'know what I'm thinking? Sober Rob is kind of a jerk!
He still has that defensive tone to his voice. It's like he's even trying to convince himself of his own bs.
He's going to pull the 'Hey, I went to rehab! I've been through real pain!' in council the next time anyone suggests he's heartless or insensitive about anything.
reporterdonpeat 4:05pm via Twitter Web Client
In text version of Mayor Rob Ford's speech just emailed out by his office, GreeneStone is spelled wrong (name of his rehab facility).
I guess he is not aware that "chronical" is not a real word.
Y'know what I'm thinking? Sober Rob is kind of a jerk!
I think he looked medicated during the speech. He looked and sounded off. His whole speech was more of the same BS. His apology was an I am sorry if you were offended type of lame apology. I hope that the media now stops reciting his narrative and starts to report the truth.
I think he looked medicated during the speech. He looked and sounded off. His whole speech was more of the same BS. His apology was an I am sorry if you were offended type of lame apology. I hope that the media now stops reciting his narrative and starts to report the truth.
coyleWERDZ 3:56pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®
I've never heard anyone emerge from rehab and not specifically mention their children.