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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Where's the evidence that anyone tried to extort Ford? Anything in the ITO/wiretaps to support that? Siad (or Siyad) made a video and wants to sell it. He's not threatening or extorting anyone -- he's willing to sell to the highest bidder. If that happens to be Rob Ford, so be it.

The closest they come is saying they have Ford "on a lot of fucked up situations" which is merely in response to Lisi threatening them over the phone. I really think there's a lot of missing detail happening here. Or something just generally screwy.
"The Concord fundraiser costs $300 a ticket. “You will receive (a) $225 rebate from the city of Toronto dinner and drinks included,†reads the Fords’ letter. It includes a box of “sample rebate calculations,†noting donations are eligible for “generous tax rebates from the city of Toronto†after the Oct. 27 municipal election."

So, if you live in Vaughn, come to Rob's fundraiser the City of Toronto will refund $225 on the $300 ticket.

This fucking guy.

We need to do something about this election tax rebate. I have a problem with this for resident of the City. I think it should be much lower. But extending the rebate to people who don't even live in the city is plain nonsense...........and stupid. We need to put a stop to this.
Well, think anything from Belfast to Kyiv. Or something that'd lead to the Fords strung up like Mussolini.

Oh, as far as "crimes not yet committed": don't forget the possibility of *domestic* unrest (y'know, that old Rob/Renata/the kids issue)

What has Belfast to do with anything?
What has Belfast to do with anything?

City at (at least once upon a time) constant civil war with itself. And *war*; not just division a la Anglo/Franco-Montreal. And almost as something which the Fords'd practically...*invite*.

Also don't be surprised if somebody gets so riled up as to take a cue from Lisi and splash acid in the Fords' faces--y'know, we have to prepare for the worst here.

As I've said: unrelenting bullies can't win. If they're not punished, they run the risk of being victims of a bully-ee who "snaps"--perhaps w/the overconfidence of thinking that *nobody* could "snap"...
Funny how the headline to the article reads "...not likely to face charges," despite Donovan emphasizing Brazen 2 is still ongoing.

The article is schlock, and they just drop the video on top with no explanation. Great video that seems to sum up the viewpoint of alot of us at the end of today. Basically that we were had in this battle, but the war is far from over.
We need to do something about this election tax rebate. I have a problem with this for resident of the City. I think it should be much lower. But extending the rebate to people who don't even live in the city is plain nonsense...........and stupid. We need to put a stop to this.

he will just say that it's being held in Concord but not for the residents of Concord. I mean everyone who matters in Toronto has a car to drive up there, right? :rolleyes:
Where's the evidence that anyone tried to extort Ford? Anything in the ITO/wiretaps to support that? Siad (or Siyad) made a video and wants to sell it. He's not threatening or extorting anyone -- he's willing to sell to the highest bidder. If that happens to be Rob Ford, so be it.

If I have a rare old watch and I put it on eBay, is it extortion if I don't sell it to you but choose to see who bids the highest? Maybe it belonged to your great-granddad and has his name inscribed on the back. But I came to own it legally and I will sell to whomever bids the highest, regardless of how emotionally connected to it you are. Who says Siad ever said "Pay me $X or else" -- maybe he simply wanted to sell to the highest bidder, and if that's the media, so be it. No extortion in that.

There are ways it could be not extortion. But think about it. The video per se has no value to Ford. He can make any number of videos of himself smoking crack for free. The value to Ford is not having it made public. This is the 'menace' the extortion law talks about. Otherwise, how can there EVER be such thing as blackmail? "That picture I snapped of you sleeping with your secretary? Yeah, I'm going to put it up for the highest bidder, but I'll give you first crack at it. Bidding starts at $100,000." Sorry, that's very much blackmail.
The situation in Belfast was many many decades in the making (From 1920 to the 70s). One group of people (Prods/UK loyalists) were always given preferential treatment over another (Catholics/Eire Unionists).
If Ford gets in again, and the lack of investment in infrastructure continues, Toronto will continue to decline, yes.
But it will take a long time, don't you think, before it gets to a boiling point?
Fuck. Bad day, overall, despite the somewhat credible explanations here for why we should still hope that Rob Ford will somehow, sometime, still have his very bad day in court. Seems like the swears are permissible today, so I give you this, in case it wasn't already quoted in today's shit-blizzard ...

Tabatha Southey ‏@TabathaSouthey 11h
"Fucking shitshow,†Ed, you sound like a tourist. RT @thekeenanwire: Toronto, Toronto, Toronto. What a shitshow this is.

New things for Rob to get posted on his campaign website ...

  • It's morning in Toronto. (Barf if you're old enough to get the reference.)
  • No really, it's morning! I can't even remember the last time Doug was in a good mood.
  • Hey, I got the TPS and OPP to puke all over each other. Just the fuckin' best for my most committed supporters, no?
We need to do something about this election tax rebate. I have a problem with this for resident of the City. I think it should be much lower. But extending the rebate to people who don't even live in the city is plain nonsense...........and stupid. We need to put a stop to this.

I agree. How would one go about protesting/complaining about it?
There are ways it could be not extortion. But think about it. The video per se has no value to Ford. He can make any number of videos of himself smoking crack for free. The value to Ford is not having it made public. This is the 'menace' the extortion law talks about. Otherwise, how can there EVER be such thing as blackmail? "That picture I snapped of you sleeping with your secretary? Yeah, I'm going to put it up for the highest bidder, but I'll give you first crack at it. Bidding starts at $100,000." Sorry, that's very much blackmail.
sure, but I'm commenting on what the OPP said. No evidence of extortion by Ford (so Lisi running around saying "you're f*cking dead, your whole block is dead" is not good enough? Or we're to believe he's doing it of his own free will? Why? He's not the one on video in a compromising situation).

But they have the nerve to suggest Ford is the victim of extortion, yet there's no evidence of that -- hard evidence, recorded words, witness/victim testimony (Ford refuses to talk to police) not just a logical conclusion, as you illustrated.
According to the sunshine list Gary Giroux makes $160,000 per year. I know what Rob would say: GRAVY! If he can get rid of the gravy in time, he might escape charges.
City at (at least once upon a time) constant civil war with itself. And *war*; not just division a la Anglo/Franco-Montreal. And almost as something which the Fords'd practically...*invite*.

I'm all too aware of what happened in Belfast having being born and grew up there and lived through quite a bit of "The Troubles"

Comparing what happened there to the current situation in this city is quite a stretch.
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