Active Member
I bet it's getting hot up in that scrum...
10 minutes!
10 minutes!
Police chiefs don't put homicide detectives on routine drug surveillances.
The stupid fucking Toronto press corps are busy waiting for the Mayor while Vice magazine has found the clearest link yet between Ford and the Smith murder. I hope the TPS/OPP are WAY ahead of them on this. This is THE scoop in this article.
There you go guys, I guess we dont have to see the video anymore......LOL.
I cant believe we made international news: http://www.cbsnews.com/2718-201_162-1950/cbs-news-live-video/
So this is why it took so long for TPS to get the video (assuming their copy was encrypted).
The stupid fucking Toronto press corps are busy waiting for the Mayor while Vice magazine has found the clearest link yet between Ford and the Smith murder. I hope the TPS/OPP are WAY ahead of them on this. This is THE scoop in this article.
Guys, seriously read that Vice article closely. Hanad Mohamed gave Ford login info. Hanad is the guy who drove Hashimi away from the Anthony Smith murder.
More likely the video was downloaded from phone to the computer which was used to encrypt the video and post it to secure cloud storage. The user then deleted but did not overwrite the original file from the computer. That's what the cops found.
.......and he'll storm out shortly thereafter.They're letting the reporters in at 4 pm to set up; Ford will come out for his announcement once the media is set up.
No doubt about it. Rob Ford's Teflon armour is cracked (pun intended).This is truly Toronto's Watergate.