I can't be the only one watching this at work
I can't be the only one watching this at work
Productivity levels are down across the cityI can't be the only one watching this at work
john lancaster @jlancasterCBC 16m
Today adding another development for my colleagues at @cbcfifth. They will be runnning their investigation into all this on Friday. #TOpoli
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Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie 14m
@jlancasterCBC New information in this one?
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john lancaster @jlancasterCBC 3m
@goldsbie Lotsa info Jonathan...just determining what can be reported.
Productivity levels are down across the city
If that's the case, I go with Dovigi, DiBattista's nephew.
Definitely not. If this doesn't happen soon I am going to be in trouble.
Along with BBC, Aljazeera and every other news organization on the planet.The story is on the front page of
A "prominent hockey analyst" was the term used. Dovigi isn't one.
Not here in the UK, though it was top 'world news' briefly.
Please, this isn't courage, this is someone getting cornered and having to own up to increasingly indefensible lies. True courage would be someone who didn't have to get prompted umpteen times and accuse others of lying when they themselves are the biggest lie.