Introducing the
Sandwich Parkway in Windsor, Ontario.
This concept is for a highway extension from the new Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway to connect the Ambassador Bridge to Highway 401, in order to remove bridge traffic from Huron Church Road. Believe it or not, this exact route has actually been discussed to a certain degree and could very well become an actual road in the future. The highway would follow a rail corridor (Essex Terminal Railway) and link up with the terminus of the Herb Gray Parkway, right where the new Gordie Howe Bridge will sit in a few years. As the Gordie Howe Bridge ramps up construction, the Ambassador Bridge Company desires to connect their bridge to the highway as well, given that Huron Church Road is responsible for the worst traffic slowdowns in international shipping across the continent. While one would assume that the new Gordie Howe Bridge would replace the Ambassador and consequently, run the Ambassador out of business, this is not the case at all. The Ambassador Bridge Company was recently granted approval to build a second, larger span right next to the existing one and could potentially cause even more traffic problems.
The highway would directly run from the Herb Gray terminus to the Ambassador Bridge with no interchanges except for a small connection to College Avenue, at the intersection with Huron Church Road. There are some small houses and buildings (many of which are abandoned), as well as some industrial sites that would be affected by the construction of this highway and need to be torn down. Most of these are located near the bridge at the moment and will likely be torn down as the new proposed border plaza gets constructed. There is probably enough space to create a highway connection in this location. There is also a large amount of space near the terminus to connect to the Herb Gray, as it is mostly empty, and could probably be done with overpasses. The highway would likely only need to have 4 lanes.
However, there are 2 large issues that could make this project a little harder to complete. One of the main issues is that the Essex Terminal Railway lines would likely need to be moved around significantly in order to create more room, as well as to accommodate the changes at the border plaza. The Essex Terminal Railway, as a whole, needs to be reworked because it cuts through most of Windsor at grade, even directly in front of the Ambassador border plaza, but that's another issue for another day. The other main issue is a social one, where this highway could effectively cut off the Sandwich neighbourhood from the rest of Windsor. It could, however, be managed by burying portions of the highway under greenway overpasses with pedestrian pathways and parkland, which is what was done for the Herb Gray Parkway.