All true. But both reduce congestion, either in the designated area, or on the tolled road, if you set the $ high enough.Sorry, I meant to say this earlier. To me there is a difference between the type of congestion charge London brought in and road tolls that are suggested for Toronto/GTA.
London was dealing with a congested core so they essentially drew a line and said "bring your car in here and you pay a fee. We don't care if you drove 10km or 100km you pay the same fee". This is appropriate for cities with very congested cores. That, I believe was the case in London. Not so much Toronto.
Tolls that charge by distance levy larger fees on you the further away you live. So someone from Oshawa ( ) will pay more to get to King and Bay than someone from Whitby. This is more appropriate for cities with congestion leading to the core. I think this is more descriptive of the Toronto situation.
It was only an example where congestion has been reduced. I'm not personally familiar with other examples where tolling has been added retroactively, to have been able to observe the effects.