Senior Member
^ I didn't get one, the line-up was too long.
Noticed today that the old photographer's place here:
is soon to open as:
This intersection is turning French! Clafouti, White Squirrel Coffee and now
This will make three brewpubs (Mill St. Brewpub, 3 Brewers, and Duggan's) that are (technically) within walking distance in the downtown core. What a vast improvement over the beer scene here only a few years back!
Does C'est What on Front not count?
Plus isn't there that Beer Bistro place? I've never been in there but I've waited on its stoop many times for the street car.
A new Tim Horton's will be opening at Bloor & Church. I guess the Second Cup next door saw the writing on the wall because they closed and will be replaced by a Sushi joint.