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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

3) Have you seen a Bonnie Crombie commercial for the Liberals? One for Marit Stiles and the NDP? So far, both parties are keeping a lid on spending, and both leaders have a comparatively low profile. While both parties have some probable platform items......just try naming three that you're sure about. I'd be surprised if you could. That's going to cause the Libs and Dippers to under perform in polls because there isn't a single thing they are associated with in terms of a big 'change' idea.
Note the quote in an above post: "When you toss in several years of taxpayer funded election campaign advertising exclusively for the OPC with restrictions on every other party, it would appear so."

Essentially, that's the DoFo modus operandi: deny the opposition any oxygen, or gaslight it away. And in today's reduced mediasphere and reduced attention spans, it's darned effective.
Dumb, and dumber, and dumber. Through in a touch of corruption, and presto - 3 terms ! Is this what becomes of an electorate in these times ?
3 terms is not unusual for provincial parties in Ontario. The Ontario Liberals held government for four terms from 2003 to 2018 until they flamed out. Before David Peterson's OLP victory in 1985 the OPCs ran the province for thirteen elections (over forty years) going back to the last OLP government's defeat of 1943. Of course today's OPCs are little or nothing like their historical namesakes, and perhaps the OPC will self immolate before 2030. But if they're smart the PC's will toss out Ford and his replacement will then run the province into the mid-2030s and perhaps beyond. The only hope the opposition has in the FTTP model is to merge the ONDP and OLP into one party.
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3 terms is not unusual for provincial parties in Ontario. The Ontario Liberals held government for four terms from 2003 to 2018 until they flamed out. Before David Peterson's OLP victory in 1985 the OPCs ran the province for thirteen elections (over forty years) going back to the last OLP government's defeat of 1943. Of course today's OPCs are little or nothing like their historical namesakes, and perhaps the OPC will self immolate before 2030. But if they're smart the PC's will toss out Ford and his replacement will then run the province into the mid-2030s and perhaps beyond. The only hope the opposition has in the FTTP model is to merge the ONDP and OLP into one party.
Even a Ford replacement's no guarantee of enduring PC rule even in the event that the Libs & NDP *don't* merge. Indeed, the irony is that the opposition could be *strengthened* in DoFo's absence--not out of PC ineptitude per se, but simply out of the likelihood that his replacement will (knock on wood) be more "parliamentary" and less bully-boy...
Provincial Planning Statement 2024 as recently released. To be in force this fall.
The PDF file is attached here.

A summary of the main topics:
- Settlement Areas
- Employment
- Land Use Compatibility
- Agriculture and ARUs
- Cultural Heritage and Archeology
- Growth forecasts and intensification targets
- Existing Settlement Areas
- Settlement Area Boundary Expansion
- Strategic Growth Areas and Major Transit Station Areas (“MTSAs”)
- Employment Areas
- New Definitions; Clarifying “Affordable” and “Income”

Is there another place in the forums for this?


  • mmah-provincial-planning-statement-en-2024-08-19.pdf
    6.5 MB · Views: 42
With a Federal election coming up by Spring 2025 what does that mean for a potential Spring Provincial election?
Does anyone know if there is a rationale why Ontario Drivers Licences have names, photos, dates of birth and addresses and OHIP cards have only got names, photos and dates of birth (but NOT addresses). Both must be renewed every 5 years and for both you must inform the government of any changes in address. Sometimes if "government-issued photo ID is required they want an address on it and thus you cannot use an OHIP card. Why no addresses on OHIP cards?
Does anyone know if there is a rationale why Ontario Drivers Licences have names, photos, dates of birth and addresses and OHIP cards have only got names, photos and dates of birth (but NOT addresses). Both must be renewed every 5 years and for both you must inform the government of any changes in address. Sometimes if "government-issued photo ID is required they want an address on it and thus you cannot use an OHIP card. Why no addresses on OHIP cards?
I had to renew my “purple “ Prov. ID card, 35 dollars. I never use my OHIP as ID card and can be refused as an ID. I think it’s a matter of fraud and duplication. Renewal is free.
I had to renew my “purple “ Prov. ID card, 35 dollars. I never use my OHIP as ID card and can be refused as an ID. I think it’s a matter of fraud and duplication. Renewal is free.
If fraud and duplication are a problem with OHIP cards are they not an equal problem with driving licences (or Ontario ID cards)? I know that I can buy a Provincial ID card but if OHIP had an address I would not need to
Does anyone know if there is a rationale why Ontario Drivers Licences have names, photos, dates of birth and addresses and OHIP cards have only got names, photos and dates of birth (but NOT addresses). Both must be renewed every 5 years and for both you must inform the government of any changes in address. Sometimes if "government-issued photo ID is required they want an address on it and thus you cannot use an OHIP card. Why no addresses on OHIP cards?
The short answer is probably because the Highway Traffic Act requires it. A driver's licence is the legal authority to conduct a regulated activity on a public thoroughfare, and police can demand it be produced. Otherwise, a driver is required to provide their name and address. Failing to do the latter is arrestable.

A Health Card is simply used to access provincially-funded healthcare services. It should not be used for general identification and cannot be demanded as general identification. It can only be recorded by those who are providing healthcare services (Health Cards and Numbers Control Act). If it is voluntarily produced as general identification, whoever you show it to cannot legally record it.
With a Federal election coming up by Spring 2025 what does that mean for a potential Spring Provincial election?
If I was Ford I would call an election now to take place in November, before Christmas 2024 and the Spring 2025 federal election. If Ford waits until after Spring 2025, Ontarians will be looking at two factors impacting their view on conservative governance. First, the USA where in November 2024 either Trump has won and the world is now terrified of what conservatives are about to unleash, or Harris has won and US conservatives are raging about a stolen election, threatening violence, while Americans (and the world) breathe a sigh of relief having avoided what conservatives had planned under Project 2025, etc. Second, in Ottawa, Trudeau has been tossed and the conservative government of PM Poilievre is now in charge, and making dramatic cuts to services and causing a general ruckus. Both of these factors may make Ontarians wonder if they want to continue with conservative policy to their province or if they want to take a different direction.
Lisa MacLeod announced she is not running the next election, which makes me further think that means there will be a next election sooner rather than later.
Why would Ford call an election when he has just under 2 years left. He will want to have an election and cut ribbons on two new LRTs and some other major project completed. What’s the advantage to trigger an early election when he has a solid majority and can do what he wants as the opposition is non-existent
Or a scandal is about to come out.
I doubt it. MacLeod's personal issues (depression et al) have been known for some time, and perhaps factored into her being dropped from cabinet (as well as her poor showing last time around). That is, she had "voluntary last term in office" written all over her...
Why would Ford call an election when he has just under 2 years left. He will want to have an election and cut ribbons on two new LRTs and some other major project completed. What’s the advantage to trigger an early election when he has a solid majority and can do what he wants as the opposition is non-existent
Four more years better than two.
