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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

I've said here several times that he would make an excellent scapegoat for the Party's needs should it come to that. He's never been personally popular or well-liked; People didn't vote for for him last time so much as they voted against Wynne. He was extremely lucky in that regard.
And also voted against Horwath...or at least, stopped short of committing to Horwath as a preferable anti-Wynne alternative (for your usual reasons: enduring memories of 1990-95, "stop the socialist hordes", the limited infrastructure that comes w/being an eternal third-party force, etc). Say what you will about the PCs, but they carried "alternate natural governing party" validity that overrode Doug's personal limitations.
OK, so yours was a protest vote? Please, given the Ford reputation, his tour at city hall, what made you think his government would not be involved in the same
shenanigans as it did when he was sited many time for conflict of interest?

He did a fantastic job with public transport? Excuse me, but the Ford bros. and Council Cons dismissed a fully financed LRT system in favor of Subways Subways Subways. Almost 10 yrs later no subway was ever build and if the LRT had been build it would have been up and almost completed. Hamilton fared no better as the Ford Gov. cancelled their 2019 LRT plans.
Frankly, transit city would have been a disaster.
??????? So, I take it you are STILL a Doug supporter and are travelling on his many already functioning transit projects and have enjoyed living under the extended lock-up we are still under that resulted from his rash move to re-open things too soon.
Yup I'm still a supporter, but I ask you this, are you traveling on any liberal transit lines?

Yeah I'm fine with living under an extended lockdown, not his fault people don't care about the pandemic, not his fault people were hosting parties while under lockdown.
He did a fantastic job with public transport? Excuse me, but the Ford bros. and Council Cons dismissed a fully financed LRT system in favor of Subways Subways Subways.
A fully financed LRT system that was already on its last legs without the Ford bros as they were realizing that many of the lines were unviable or extremely terrible because it was one of those plans that was drawn on the back of a napkin and announced before any feasibility studies were made, or any studies that backed up the use of the technology. As an example they realized that the Jane corridor south of Lawrence is extremely narrow so to build the LRT, that entire section (except for maybe the area around Eglinton) would have to be tunneled, which absolutely tanked the CBR and there were calls to maybe divert the plan onto Kipling or some other street. This was about a year before Rob Ford was elected. Don Mills had something similar happen where they realized that the DRL was actually extremely crucial, and building it while also building the Don Mills LRT was incredibly backwards, basically killing any chance for a northern extension. Very similar (and valid) criticisms and issues were brought about to many other LRT plans like Sheppard East.

In short, Transit City wasn't doing so hot even before Rob Ford was elected, and best case scenerio for a timeline where Transit City was fully embraced, many lines that were promised would still be MIA and the final buildout would've been extremely half baked.
Almost 10 yrs later no subway was ever build and if the LRT had been build it would have been up and almost completed.
Tell that to Eglinton.
Hamilton fared no better as the Ford Gov. cancelled their 2019 LRT plans.
Yes as the costs for the project were absolutely ballooning to the point where the province alone financing the project wasn't a reasonable scenerio, which is why it took the feds to inject a ton of money into it to bring it back on track (The most conservative estimates had the costs grow 3x-4x as much as the original price tag).
Oh yeah... Like the infamous bomb threat. Doug Ford was immensely disliked by city hall staff and his bullying and threatening manners were well known. He is a thoroughly unpleasant man who lacks manners and empathy.

Yeah, it was the bomb threats I was mostly thinking of - and don't forget there was more than one; two at least, and maybe three? I honestly can't remember - but there were other shady and extremely lawless episodes 'mysteriously' surrounding the Fords, not least of all the violent turn that accompanied the search for Pea Brain's crack tape. Anyone remember that? We still don't know* who was responsible for that vicious home invasion that took place during that entire period, and will probably never find out...officially, anyway. And didn't someone get thrown off a balcony? Weren't there assaults on some people in prison? Wasn't Thug a drug dealer in his misspent youth? Do the rest of you remember this stuff or am I imagining it?

*(We may not know, but we can certainly guess in whose interests it was that Fatty's crack tape be found and quietly suppressed.)

As for Thug's treatment of ordinary staffers at City Hall and elsewhere, I don't doubt he's absolutely horrible to have as a boss - I'll bet the people at Deco could tell stories - but I'd be willing to bet that during his political career, he's treated people on the same level as him as though they're his flunkies, and possibly even those who are higher than he is on the food chain. He's a belligerent, bullying asshole who comes from a monied background. That's how his kind generally behave. They honestly can't help themselves. And he's a moron.

My vote was for change, not "protest" and clearly most of ontario felt the same way.(liberals got decimated so hard the NDP took their place)

Well, if you were naive enough to vote for the Tories hoping for "change," you certainly didn't get it. The Libs and the Cons tend to march in lockstep when it comes to economic matters. Perhaps you don't recall how Wynne was scampering around as Premiere, privatizing everything in sight? Or how she privatized Hydro, hired some corporate asshole to run it, paying him a vastly inflated salary to do the same job as his predecessor in the process, and then seemed genuinely flabbergasted when that little move wasn't wildly popular with ordinary voters? And you expected different from the Conservatives, never even mind a Conservative Party run by a cheap crook like Thug Ford?

And also voted against Horwath...or at least, stopped short of committing to Horwath as a preferable anti-Wynne alternative (for your usual reasons: enduring memories of 1990-95, "stop the socialist hordes", the limited infrastructure that comes w/being an eternal third-party force, etc). Say what you will about the PCs, but they carried "alternate natural governing party" validity that overrode Doug's personal limitations.

Yeah, agreed...that all played into it as well. Of course, the people who tend to solely blame the NDP for the state of the economy due to the single government they headed at Queen's Park in the 90's don't tend to utter the words "Reagan," Thatcher" or "Mulroney" whenever they make these claims. As for Horwath, she may be well meaning, but she's been about as effective as a limp dish rag over the past few years. She should stand aside and let somebody else have a shot at being Leader.
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He's a belligerent, bullying asshole who comes from a monied background. That's how his kind generally behave. They honestly can't help themselves. And he's a moron.
Or, a *nouveau riche* monied background. After all, John Tory also comes from a monied background (thus all the "Richie Rich" jabs over time)
Yup I'm still a supporter, but I ask you this, are you traveling on any liberal transit lines?
That'd be like supporting Ford because he actually forthrightly set out to clear the Dominion Foundry site for "affordable housing" rather than getting bogged down by heritage studies and heritage concerns. If that's the case, then maybe it's better that we don't have heritage-philistine garbage like you calling the shots.
My vote was for change, not "protest" and clearly most of ontario felt the same way.(liberals got decimated so hard the NDP took their place)

Yeah Doug scrapped an awful plan, and gave us a better one.
Burloak, is that you?
Or, a *nouveau riche* monied background. After all, John Tory also comes from a monied background (thus all the "Richie Rich" jabs over time)
Conservative man bad?
If that's the case, then maybe it's better that we don't have heritage-philistine garbage like you calling the shots.
It appears my opinion has upset you.
Uh, what provincial party did John Tory lead a decade and a half ago?

That is, I'm framing John Tory in "not all from a monied Conservative background are alike" terms.

John Tory is a Bill Davis era "red tory". He entered politics at time when the Ontario PC party was actually progressive.

Right now, there are no red tories left. All you have now is deep blue "business focused" politicians.
John Tory is a Bill Davis era "red tory". He entered politics at time when the Ontario PC party was actually progressive.

Right now, there are no red tories left. All you have now is deep blue "business focused" politicians.
Still, framing him in explicit "not Conservative" terms is a game best played by Neil Flagg-esque trolls fond of using the "John Liberal" slur.
