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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

The CBC News website has an interesting article on how the wheels came off the truck last Friday/Saturday. This is a particularly telling section:
"We will admit it was rushed," the official said. "We're working on putting a better process in place to ensure we aren't rushed into these kinds of decisions."

For the record, the "rushed" decisions happened amid nine hours of cabinet meetings, according to sources. " See:
The CBC News website has an interesting article on how the wheels came off the truck last Friday/Saturday. This is a particularly telling section:
"We will admit it was rushed," the official said. "We're working on putting a better process in place to ensure we aren't rushed into these kinds of decisions."

For the record, the "rushed" decisions happened amid nine hours of cabinet meetings, according to sources. " See:

Well, nothing say rushed like spending so much precious time coming up with actions that absolutely no-one recommended. They can spare the rest of us from that b-s.

I'm watching now. The tears looked somewhat legit but probably because he was thinking about his mama, since they started when he mentioned holding the hand of a parent. He doesn't give a damn about the dead or sick. Christine Elliott never mentions the number of dead in her tweets, like they don't matter.

Also, he repeatedly made sure to take shots at the feds. That isnt an apology.
Doug was crying because no one loves him anymore. Sycophants don’t cry for others, they lack empath. Watched the performance still didn’t get answers.
Doug was crying because no one loves him anymore. Sycophants don’t cry for others, they lack empath. Watched the performance still didn’t get answers.
Exactly. And the "no one" includes, above all, his own peeps--many of whom, like the current Saturday freedumb-marchers, are probably the same sorts who acted as his howler monkeys at the 2014 Mayoral debates.

As Premier, he's not even any good as a Trump-style fomenter and instigator--instead, through whatever gestures t/w the adults in the room on his part, he's allowed himself to be caught btw/ a rock and a hard place. Awkwardly putting on the "gee, I'm a real life Premier here, I'd better behave myself" fancy dress; and then this effing pandemic happens, he *really* has to fake it through real big now, even though the most avid/vocal Ford Nationals happen to be in the denialist/freedumb camp. So now he's blown it at both ends--all the more so if some Hillierite faction runs as its own ticket come next election...
Exactly. And the "no one" includes, above all, his own peeps--many of whom, like the current Saturday freedumb-marchers, are probably the same sorts who acted as his howler monkeys at the 2014 Mayoral debates.

As Premier, he's not even any good as a Trump-style fomenter and instigator--instead, through whatever gestures t/w the adults in the room on his part, he's allowed himself to be caught btw/ a rock and a hard place. Awkwardly putting on the "gee, I'm a real life Premier here, I'd better behave myself" fancy dress; and then this effing pandemic happens, he *really* has to fake it through real big now, even though the most avid/vocal Ford Nationals happen to be in the denialist/freedumb camp. So now he's blown it at both ends--all the more so if some Hillierite faction runs as its own ticket come next election...

It was inevitable that any Premiere making necessary but unpopular decisions during the pandemic would suffer a fair bit of blowback from voters, especially the type that make up Ford's rabid (and former?) fanbase, so there's real irony at work here. But given that almost anyone would find themselves in the same position under these circumstances, one could almost feel at least some small amount of sympathy for Dofo - however undeserved - were it not for two factors: (1.) The fact that he's such a thoroughly unpleasant piece of work on practically any level you could name, and (2.) the dead certainty that Ford himself would be daily hurling blame and abuse on any other politico caught up in this situation, whether a hypothetical Liberal or NDP Premiere...or maybe even another Conservative. Hell, especially the latter, if he/she were a rival of Ford's or if he stood to gain anything from said person's downfall. As witness his treatment of Patrick Brown.

I was wondering all along if one of the factors in his "winning" the Con leadership was that he'd make such a handy scapegoat if the wheels went off the bus big-time during his stint in Queen's Park, and that was well before the pandemic happened along. As things stand now, it wouldn't surprise me if all the speculation we've been doing here about a possible coup actually had some basis in reality. After all, it got the Liberals another election win when they dumped McGuinty for Wynne. Why shouldn't the Cons give that play a try for themselves? It would certainly serve Ford right.
Interesting chronology and a few quotes on last week's fiasco:

“Reducing mobility, OK. But we’re not going to close construction. Let’s make a list of things we’re not going to do. OK, what’s left? Oh, if we close playgrounds no one’s going to complain about that. I don’t think anyone around that cabinet table could possibly have looked at each other with a straight face and said, ‘yeah, that’ll solve it.’”

Utterly unsurprising and totally pathetic - and as expected, it was all about not offending their base and climbing down from what did offend their base - and not about implementing actual policies that would blunt the wave. Sylvia Jones (a useless) and Christine Elliot (a great hope) came out looking horribly tarnished as well.

Irredeemable and utterly failed in their test.

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Not sure how to credit this, I pulled it off a friends' feed but couldn't trace down where it started......

It was inevitable that any Premiere making necessary but unpopular decisions during the pandemic would suffer a fair bit of blowback from voters, especially the type that make up Ford's rabid (and former?) fanbase, so there's real irony at work here. But given that almost anyone would find themselves in the same position under these circumstances, one could almost feel at least some small amount of sympathy for Dofo - however undeserved - were it not for two factors: (1.) The fact that he's such a thoroughly unpleasant piece of work on practically any level you could name, and (2.) the dead certainty that Ford himself would be daily hurling blame and abuse on any other politico caught up in this situation, whether a hypothetical Liberal or NDP Premiere...or maybe even another Conservative. Hell, especially the latter, if he/she were a rival of Ford's or if he stood to gain anything from said person's downfall. As witness his treatment of Patrick Brown.

I was wondering all along if one of the factors in his "winning" the Con leadership was that he'd make such a handy scapegoat if the wheels went off the bus big-time during his stint in Queen's Park, and that was well before the pandemic happened along. As things stand now, it wouldn't surprise me if all the speculation we've been doing here about a possible coup actually had some basis in reality. After all, it got the Liberals another election win when they dumped McGuinty for Wynne. Why shouldn't the Cons give that play a try for themselves? It would certainly serve Ford right.
Though given what we know about the federal Conservatives now, his "winning" might also have been a reflection of "the diehards remaining", i.e. the Tanya Granic Allen types holding excess leverage, much like the Leslyn Lewis/Derek Sloan camp federally. And they defaulted upon whom they felt could best "serve their interests", and that certainly wasn't Elliott or Mulroney.

It's times like this, of course, when an Aussie system of routine caucus-led leadership decapitation (and appointment of a replacement "from within", thus saving us from the whole leadership convention thingy) would make perfect sense.

Another current factor in the cock-up, I feel, parallels Stephen Harper's final-term "boys in short pants" problem, i.e. too many of the Ford gov't's aides and advisors being twerpy, unseasoned young Proud-network ideologues who are a little too full of themselves. (Thus the way how something like the Dominion Foundry fiasco plays out like a deliberate in-your-face gaslighting troll of NIMBYs and hysterical preservationists.)
New statement from Ford. Now that he's turned on the tears, he doesn't have to take any responsibility for healthcare in this province.

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Though I do agree that we could/should have had border restrictions in place sooner, I think all the experts I have heard say that closing the border can never be 100% (and returning Canadians cannot be refused entry) and the main way to stop covid (or reduce the number of infections) is to test, test, test and make it easy for people to have tests, to get vaccinated and, if sick, to take time off work with pay. All of which are PROVINCIAL responsiilities.
Though I do agree that we could/should have had border restrictions in place sooner, I think all the experts I have heard say that closing the border can never be 100% (and returning Canadians cannot be refused entry) and the main way to stop covid (or reduce the number of infections) is to test, test, test and make it easy for people to have tests, to get vaccinated and, if sick, to take time off work with pay. All of which are PROVINCIAL responsiilities.

He couldn't/wouldn't even control movement between the GTA and cottage country :rolleyes: (Nevermind his attempt to control intra-provincial movement was a complete bust) - and he lectures others about movement control? What's he going to suggest - quarantine for three days in a hotel if you visited a playground, unless you work in construction, manufacturing or Queen's Park? All the tears - and he still didn't enact *any* mandatory closure of workplaces with evidence of chain infection. He haven't learned a thing

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Ontario to allow vaccinated PSWs to work in more than one long-term care

From link.

Ontario will allow personal support workers who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to once again work at more than one long-term care facility, the Ministry of Long-Term Care said Saturday.

Under a provincial emergency order, PSWs had been limited to working at only one long-term care during the pandemic amid concerns about transmitting COVID-19 between facilities.

The government will also give Ontario Health and Home and Community Care Support Services the authority to redeploy staff to long-term-care and retirement homes, the ministry said a news release.

“The third wave of COVID-19 is putting unprecedented pressure on Ontario’s hospitals, requiring immediate action,” said Long-Term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton. “My ministry is working with our partners at the Ministry of Health and Ontario Health to help create more critical care capacity in hospitals while protecting the safety and security of long-term-care residents and staff.”

The move comes in response to a shortage of personal support workers, many of whom had worked in more than one facility prior to the government’s emergency order.

Unions representing PSWs have attributed high attrition rates in the field to low wages, long hours and a lack of benefits including paid sick leave.

In October, Premier Doug Ford announced a temporary wage hike for PSWs, saying the increase would “ensure this vital profession receives the respect it deserves.”

The increase affected nearly 147,000 workers, with a $3-an-hour wage increase for PSWs in long-term care, community and home care, and a $2-an-hour wage increase for those in hospitals.

Long-term care workers have accounted for 6,921 of Ontario’s COVID-19 cases and 11 deaths in long-term-care homes.

The province also said Saturday that it was loosening requirements for some patients transferring from hospital to long-term care. Those who are fully immunized and have tested negative for COVID-19 at the time of admission or transfer will no longer be required to isolate for eight days.

Doug Ford "thinking" about the corporations, not the little "folks".
