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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

From the Star article below:

In council Tory brought up an interesting bit of history: when the province cut $150 million from the city’s budget in 2013, the vice-chair of the budget committee was Councillor Doug Ford, who is now premier of the province and leader of the government imposing the reduction in funding on the city.

“We’ve been prudent managers of the taxpayers’ money, but these folks, the province, wants to come back and put the burden on the back of the hardworking people of Toronto,” the residents of Toronto. It’s not fair,” Ford said in 2013.
I wish we could drop this feast and famine cycle of Ontario governments. The Liberals win and bring in hugely expensive programs, such as free tuition, childcare and healthcare expansions, but never put in place the means to pay for it outside of deficit spending. Then the PCs win and rip out all those new Liberal programs and more, in the pursuit of cutting the deficit spending.
The problem is the Liberals do their feasting for 15 years (remember the Liberals got a majority after 10 years in office) before enough people object. It was similar with the Rae/Pederson, Pederson, Rae decade.
Then the Conservatives have a few years of famine and people are saying it't the end of the world. Ernie Eves came in after 6 years as a source of stability. Now after less than one year people are complaining about the famine.

If we continually overspend for a decade, we need to expect that we need to reign it in for roughly the same amount of time. If the 3rd or 4th term Ford is making cuts, I will join the chorus against him.
If we continually overspend for a decade, we need to expect that we need to reign it in for roughly the same amount of time..
I disagree. Every day you carry on overspending is one more day in the red. The prudent thing for the Tories to do is to levy a deficit elimination tax now, and then reduce spending and the tax.

The deficit is $15 billion, covered by 7 million employed Ontarians. So, we each owe $2,142. My wife and I can swing our $4,284 share. Now the rest of us need to pony up.
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The problem is the Liberals do their feasting for 15 years (remember the Liberals got a majority after 10 years in office) before enough people object. It was similar with the Rae/Pederson, Pederson, Rae decade.
Then the Conservatives have a few years of famine and people are saying it't the end of the world. Ernie Eves came in after 6 years as a source of stability. Now after less than one year people are complaining about the famine.

If we continually overspend for a decade, we need to expect that we need to reign it in for roughly the same amount of time. If the 3rd or 4th term Ford is making cuts, I will join the chorus against him.


How many times do you have to be told that Ontario has the lowest spending per capita, lower than Alberta, FFS!

This BS about over-spending from you is a tired, made-up bit of nonsense.

What we need is to raise taxes.


Oh, and before you go telling the world about your vast knowledge of Ontario political history, perhaps you could learn to spell the former Premier's name accurately. It was Peterson.
I worked in government for 31 years and, while no doubt there are some administrative and service delivery efficiencies still to be found, there don't come anywhere near the millions that are being hacked out of ministry budgets and transfer payments. A significant part of the 'administrivia' that staff of ministries, agencies, partners, etc. perform is a direct result of multiple layers of accountability and reporting demanded by the government itself. A lot of public service delivery, particularly anything to do with public safety, cannot be operated like a business. Some public services simply need to be available 'just in case'.
It's not just autistic people, it's people in general who are feeling punished and unhappy. Check out those approval stats, Doug.

Yeah. My guess is the PC's are worried abut any possible by-elections .

Has anyone asked Sam about the law in Alabama? He is due for another bozo eruption.
Doug keeps saying no Ontario teacher will lose their job, as “efficiencies” will be found through attrition.

But what of the thousands of students Queens Park is currently training to become teachers at Ontario-funded B.Ed programs across the province? If we don’t need teachers why is the province funding the teacher schools?
Stem cell research also offers hope for cancer treatments, the same disease that killed Doug's father and brother...

The Ford government plans to stop all funding to an institute that supports Ontario scientists at the cutting edge of stem cell research.
Provincial officials have told the Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine (OIRM) that its $5 million in annual funding from the province will cease next March.

His work has shown that stem cells isolated from the umbilical cord have the potential to prevent brain and lung damage in premature babies and promote healthy development of the organs as the children age.

"We believe this research could be a game-changer for these pre-term babies and could substantially improve their outcomes," Thébaud said Wednesday in an interview.

The funding to OIRM came from Ontario's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The minister responsible, Todd Smith, said the researchers can turn to the private sector. But scientists in the stem-cell field say the private sector is not willing to invest until their studies reach a late phase. To get there, they say government funding is crucial.

The scientists see a bitter irony in the government's move, since stem cell research was born in Ontario. James Till and Ernest McCulloch discovered the existence of stem cells in 1961 at the Toronto-based Ontario Cancer Institute.
