I am really glad you responded to this because it reminded me of another incident that was very similar to this. You were very quick to defend Kristyn Wong-Tam after she wrote a long whiny letter about being harassed at a community center by "muscular men" when I see very little difference between the two incidents. I know you will most likely find a reason to differentiate the two but too me there is no practical difference other than the media reaction.
I think there are some very tangible, indisputable differences.
Lets begin w/the fact that Wong-Tam was quietly touring a facility without media present and did not expect to engage with anyone.
The minister CHOSE to come out of her office and engage.
That right there is a huge difference.
Second in Wong-Tam's case, the group was dominated by large muscular men, who were video'ing her and throwing specific accusations at her in a confrontational manner.
The Minister was facing a protest over action she definitely took (no one disputes the choice she made, only whether its a good one), and the crowd skewed female w/kids and did not suggest a looming physical confrontation).
Third the accusations against Wong-Tam were made by a self-interested political opponent not aggrieved regular citizens.
Fourth, the accusations made against Wong-Tam have not been substantiated to the best of my knowledge, and certainly those concerning the rec. centre itself and her plans for it are utterly absurd.
Fifth, the issue of her sexual orientation was raised because homophobic remarks were allegedly made against her previously by members of this same group.
Her gender was relevant is so far as the contrast in the number and size of the people involved as compared with her own. Non-issue if one man is talking to her while dressed in normative attire. Not the case here.
There is a real issue at times w/people playing an identity politics card without a valid reason and/or doing so when it just doesn't serve their arguments well.
This is not such a case.
Its equally tiring to hear from the same people over and over again about how woe begotten they are because they ever hear such an argument, which they invariably never see merit in at all.