Yeah, we all know you're an advocate for drug use. You've made that abundantly clear.
Correction: informed and safe drug use....and more importantly, a rational drugs policy and the primacy of personal choice and responsibility.
Which, by the way, is more than can be said for your regular government drug pusher working for the LCBO.
Don't just dismiss my point as being a poor argument.
Referring to something that is well established (as marijuana use is) as "new territory" is indeed a poor argument for its continued overregulation.
We don't know what effects legalizing cannabis will do.
True. What effects are we looking for though?
I don't think so. Why would it? Does it matter if it does?
Our government just made public plans to increase the sales hours of LCBO shops. Does that mean more people will use a toxic psychotropic that is legal?
Will it increase lung cancer cases (hint; despite all your "safety" statements, it shows slightly higher rates of lung cancer over cigarette smoking per joint/pack-year— Note, the latter comparison shows higher rates of cancer per joint vs. per pack of cigarettes. Looks like the filter actually *does* something.
You don't have to tell me, I smoke Belmont with a charcoal filter for safety.
Why would cancer rates go up?
You're acting as if people haven't been smoking copious amounts of weed in this country for decades.
Nothing has changed in the vast majority of people's usage!
Your "all in" mentality seems to be driven strictly by your love of illicit (and now legal) substances, and isn't taking into consideration actual public health or safety.
This is a ridiculous statement based on a complete misconstrual of my position and character.
First of all, the "illicit substances" I do love are still illegal.
Second of all, and more importantly, my position is one of harm reduction and informed drugs use.
The current state of affairs does absolutely fuckal for public health and safety. Alcohol and nicotine are legal. Psilocybin and MDMA are not.
Now, go do some basic research on the effects, typical doses, toxicity, addiction potential, social harm, and so on of these four psychotropics and then come talk to me about being concerned for public health and safety.
Also, as an advocate for harm reduction in drug use (which includes legal drugs like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and various amphetamines and opioids) I'm not sure how I can be accused of not taking public health and safety into consideration.
This is a smear based in ignorance on your part.
And while I agree with you on the war on drugs, it's not "new territory"; progressives have been pushing against it since the 1980s. It's why we have safe injection sites and other things. Don't treat those who don't use as some kind of unenlightened pearl-clutching sheep.
I suppose we should all be grateful for the amazing work done by the self-absorbed "progressives". What does this have to do with my point about societyy not having a clue, other than nothing, of course?
Who are these people "who don't use"? How many people do you know who don't ever or have never used a psychotropic substance to either their benefit or detriment?
How many? Go on....enlighten us.
Let me help you out: caffeine is a psychotropic. Alcohol is a psychotropic. Diphenhydramine is a psychotropic. Dextromethorphan is a psychotropic.
Those are just some legal ones to make it easy for you.
I also agree on the hypocrisy of many of our policies, but it's harder to take something away than it is to add it in slowly.
I'm not sure what this is in reference to nor can ascertain its meaning in this context.
I will say again; we *don't* know the societal effects of low-restriction legal cannabis. Taking things slowly isn't the end of the world, and helps the government and health organizations gather data at a somewhat controlled pace.
We do know the effects on society of weed use. It's been around and so have the studies. This is new only to you, seemingly. Don't worry, I promise, it will all be OK.
So maybe light one up and relax a bit, huh?
Don't be a condescending tit. I don't smoke weed. You invented that idea in your head.
One doesn't need to use any specific psychotropic in order to be an advocate of rational drugs policy.
Maybe I'll relax after people stop being criminalised for getting high. After lives that have been ruined are magically made whole again. After the countless dead of Latin America are brought back to life. And so on.
Honestly, go do some research and then come fear-monger....but keep your misinformed assumptions the hell in your own head, thanks.
There is plenty of evidence in regards to the health and social harms of various legal and illegal drugs. None of this is new.