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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

From link.

The control of the [German] schools began in March 1933 with the issuing of the first educational decree, which held that “German culture must be treated thoroughly.”

The Nazi government attempted to control the minds of the young and thus, among other means, intruded Nazi beliefs into the school curriculum. A major part of biology became “race science,” and health education and physical training did not escape the racial stress. Geography became geopolitics, the study of the fatherland being fundamental. Physical training was made compulsory for all, as was youth labour service. Much of the fundamental curriculum was not disturbed, however.

Next will come control over every form of expression—radio, theatre, cinema, the fine arts, the press, churches. Schools are first.
I agree in general, but if parents don't like it, they should be allowed to snitch. The curriculum has to be followed - this is a rule for every single teacher, public or private, in Ontario.

I see the teacher unions seem more upset about the fact parents can snitch than having the old curriculum put back in place. Look, if you don't want to get disciplined, follow the rules. My boss makes me do things I disagree with daily, but that's work. Don't like it? Find something else to do.

Snitching is disgusting - I have taught my kids that snitching to score points is unacceptable. Nazi's used to have snitch lines and snitch agents (remember they didn't have internet back then) You are talking about professional educators who have spend time to complete their education and earn a degree. Now they are forced to follow the orders of a Premier who didn't finish his first year in college and never graduated or earned a degree. Yup Yup.... teacher knows best in this case. All those conservative parents should think hard by not educating their children. Let me put it this way: Babies are no longer found or grown in cabbage patches! There are predators out there and today's daughters no longer need to be a servant to their man. Educate the kids of what is acceptable and what's not. How simple can that be. As a grandmother of three I have heard my granddaughter talk about sex ed and honestly she was not traumatized. Get over this crap and let's educate.
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What the hell is wrong with some of you comparing Ford to Nazis?

Not just right-wingers use snitches, but left-wingers as well. Any authoritative government uses snitches to "control" their population, is being undemocratic. Even neighbours snitching against other neighbours with very minor by-law infractions is just not neighbourly.
Not just right-wingers use snitches, but left-wingers as well. Any authoritative government uses snitches to "control" their population, is being undemocratic. Even neighbours snitching against other neighbours with very minor by-law infractions is just not neighbourly.
This isn't about snitching but about following government directives from a government that didn't get to power via a coup but via democratic means.

If my hypothetical kid's science teacher was teaching them about creation instead of evolution - I'd also 'snitch' on them via the government and the the Teacher's College. The curriculum is non negotiable.

Also, the 'snitch' line was enacted after the Teacher's Union ridiculously announced they'd instruct their members not to follow the government's directives! How outrageous is that to begin with? It's not your job to decide when to follow directives, just like judges will NEVER seek to change laws, they are there to interpret them.
For those parents who didn’t approve of the curriculum, there was the option for their kids to be excused. Did none of them exercise that option? Or were they all too busy spouting off about non-existent issues (no, they weren’t teaching kids how to “be gay”) rather than actually finding out the facts?
I really dislike the snitching idea. I also really dislike going back in time to 1998. At the same time I think that everyone basically needs to teach from the same platform. I spend far too much time hearing conspiracy theories from people who think 9/11 was an inside job or the holocaust didn't happen or no one made it to the moon. I wouldn't want these people teaching my kids history classes. So although I think reversing to some prehistoric sex ed curriculum is crazy I do think teachers need to teach in unison. How about a strike. I would at least respect that more. If you really dislike what you are being forced to do then stand up for it by personally potentially sacrificing something. Just going behind your bosses back is not exactly what I think is honorable.
What the hell is wrong with some of you comparing Ford to Nazis?

I have been one of those to denounce the over-reach, but your guilty of the same, in reverse.

This isn't about snitching but about following government directives from a government that didn't get to power via a coup but via democratic means.

Ford did indeed get power by democratic means, albeit with caveat that he did not obtain the support of the majority of Conservative Party members to be elected leader, and he did not obtain the support of the majority of Ontarians to become Premier. Yes, that's the system, as it has been, for a long time. But I don't want it oversold. Especially since Ford got only 4% more of the vote than did Adolph Hitler in the 1932 German Presidential Election. (comparison ends there)

Even true majority support is not carte blanche to govern as you wish. When 60% of voters chose alternatives united in their opposition to you, that much less so.

If my hypothetical kid's science teacher was teaching them about creation instead of evolution - I'd also 'snitch' on them via the government and the the Teacher's College. The curriculum is non negotiable.

What if Doug Ford ordered that creationism be taught in the curriculum and had a snitch line for reporting teacher's that taught evolution?

Is the curriculum sacrosanct when its wrong?

Also, the 'snitch' line was enacted after the Teacher's Union ridiculously announced they'd instruct their members not to follow the government's directives! How outrageous is that to begin with? It's not your job to decide when to follow directives, just like judges will NEVER seek to change laws, they are there to interpret them.

I'm not keen on your version of reality where all employees are sheep.

Lest you wonder what planet I'm living on.........I was fresh out of University, when I had the temerity to tell my bosses in the business I was recruited into that they were doing a great deal of it wrong and I wanted to change it.

There was much grumbling.

Fast forward two years, I'd been promoted three times.

I like to think for myself, and I respect others who do not use 'following orders' as an excuse for doing dumb or horrendous things.
I have been one of those to denounce the over-reach, but your guilty of the same, in reverse.

Ford did indeed get power by democratic means, albeit with caveat that he did not obtain the support of the majority of Conservative Party members to be elected leader, and he did not obtain the support of the majority of Ontarians to become Premier. Yes, that's the system, as it has been, for a long time. But I don't want it oversold. Especially since Ford got only 4% more of the vote than did Adolph Hitler in the 1932 German Presidential Election. (comparison ends there)

Even true majority support is not carte blanche to govern as you wish. When 60% of voters chose alternatives united in their opposition to you, that much less so.

What if Doug Ford ordered that creationism be taught in the curriculum and had a snitch line for reporting teacher's that taught evolution?

Is the curriculum sacrosanct when its wrong?

I'm not keen on your version of reality where all employees are sheep.

Lest you wonder what planet I'm living on.........I was fresh out of University, when I had the temerity to tell my bosses in the business I was recruited into that they were doing a great deal of it wrong and I wanted to change it.

There was much grumbling.

Fast forward two years, I'd been promoted three times.

I like to think for myself, and I respect others who do not use 'following orders' as an excuse for doing dumb or horrendous things.

What if Doug Ford ordered that creationism be taught in the curriculum and had a snitch line for reporting teacher's that taught evolution?

Is the curriculum sacrosanct when its wrong?

What if? What if my grandma had a pantograph? Would she be a streetcar?

This is a sex ed curriculum that caused a great deal of noise from plenty of parents, not something black and white like evolution and other scientifically proven theories. I've heard plenty from teachers, including my own parent who is one, about how certain parts of the curriculum, specifically around gender identity and such are dangerous for children. There are certain Pandora's boxes you shouldn't be opening with kids at an impressionable age. Gender dysphoria isn't a joke and the previous government made it seem like gender is something you can switch at will.

Lest you wonder what planet I'm living on.........I was fresh out of University, when I had the temerity to tell my bosses in the business I was recruited into that they were doing a great deal of it wrong and I wanted to change it.

There was much grumbling.

Fast forward two years, I'd been promoted three times.

I like to think for myself, and I respect others who do not use 'following orders' as an excuse for doing dumb or horrendous things.

Did you go to your boss and tell him his methods are regressive, stupid, ignorant and that you'll be ignoring his directives on the topic moving forward? Because that's what the Teacher's Union did. What you probably did is respectfully approached the situation, offered alternatives, suggestions and hoped they would be accepted.

I have also been promoted for offering suggestions on processes - there are so many broken ones, but I don't think this is applicable to this situation - you didn't disrespect your superiors.
I am a Christian and don't think creationism should be taught in school. I also don't think a 1998 curriculum should be taught in school. I would not "snitch" though. I voted NDP. I only got one vote sadly.
From link.

For the parents
Share your concerns about the current curriculum.

The Ontario government is committed to doing better when it comes to your children’s academic achievement.

The government is embarking on a thorough province-wide consultation with parents to obtain input about their children’s education, beginning in September.

During this consultation period fundamental lessons will be restored to classrooms. The Ministry of Education has issued curriculum guidance to assist educators and ensure a common curriculum standard across Ontario. All provincial education professionals, including teachers, are expected to abide by this curriculum guidance.

This website is designed to give parents a portal to provide feedback about concerns related to the curriculum being taught in the classroom, while the consultation process is underway.

I'm using it to "snitch" on the Doug Ford, and any other news from the current PC government in Ontario. Not what Doug may have intended it to be, but it's to let him know what I (and others) think of him.
Not just right-wingers use snitches, but left-wingers as well. Any authoritative government uses snitches to "control" their population, is being undemocratic. Even neighbours snitching against other neighbours with very minor by-law infractions is just not neighbourly.

Precisely. Government snitch lines of this sort are a joke.

This week was the 50. anniversary of the Warsaw Pact occupation of Czechoslovakia that destroyed the soul of a nation (21. August 1968). The two decades that followed were rife with government-sponsored snitches.
Kinda cute that this teacher snitching rubbish comes out the same week.

I'm not comparing this government to the Czechoslovakian government of "normalisation"* under occupation, obviously, but I am pointing out that government-sponsored anonymous snitch lines during times of peace of a sort that can ruin careers are employed only by disgusting swine.

Ford = swine
Ford /= Nazi or facsimile.

I think teachers should probably adhere to the curriculum, but a snitch line is an egregious joke.

*- Frigging normalisation. Now that dear @Thinker was evil. It destroyed people, the land, and the nation.

PS: It's also the 80. anniversary of the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.....the event that originally destroyed the nation and indirectly (though pretty directly) led to the 1968 disaster. More real evil, @Thinker.

PPS: I would pay money to see how some of my old teachers from Catholic school have been dealing with this whole fiasco.
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