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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Meh... it's not about the PC party in particular, this is about Doug Ford and his unsuitability to lead. A borish bully, liar and not really interested in politics. (he proved his un suitability during his 4 yr tenure on TO council) The PC's snubbed Christine Elliott twice and in the grand scheme of things went about it in a pretty shady manner. Ford, will like Trump will cut and dismantle healthcare - remember him advocating several yrs ago before his brother got sick, but gladly accepted the social health service when push came to Rob (so to speak).
‘The PCs’ were the party members in a very strange and perhaps not well excuted vote. I can’t believe the caucus will put up with this shit. But a boor in power is still a boor in power. And as in Washington, the damage could be great and the opportunities for change limited.
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Bob Rae. Floyd Laughren. Frances Lankin. Zanana Akande. Peter Kormos. Ruth Grier. Marion Boyd. Allan Pilkey. Elaine Ziemba. Dave Cooke. Shelley Martel. Never has a crowd been less prepared.

Mike Harris’ troops were not much better and it has been a succession of clowns since then.

What person of quality would choose public life today?
buck a beer.jpg


  • buck a beer.jpg
    buck a beer.jpg
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This has to be a joke. Then again, I was driving along Eglinton today and saw an electronic billboard with a coupon and "Doug Ford will save you 10 cents a liter". Please.

Edit: Ok so a 24 costs roughly $1.07 a beer, apparently. He makes it sound like he's saving people a couple of bucks a can. This is a sign of desperation, he is frantically trying to keep his base happy.
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Help me to understand this. What exactly was wrong with 1 day a month off for a year without pay if it helped things? I vaguely remember when it happened and it was at a time when there was a very bad recession in Canada, not just Ontario.
It actually was not that bad of an idea - it's just that the NDP had spent the first half of it's mandate trying to spend it's way out of the recession - but spending on welfare payments and government salaries, and not on infrastructure or things that would actually create jobs or stimulate the economy. And it really was a made-in-Ontario recession (or at least Ontario's actions made it worse here that elsewhere).
Good bit of sarcasm there - as almost everything you said is not true. I'll just fill in a few facts for those gullible enough to think what you wrote may be true.

NDP worsened the recession. From 1990 to 1995, Canada unemployment rate went from 8.1% to 9.5% - an increase of 1.5%. In same time, Ontario went from 6.2% to 8.7% - an increase of 2.5%. That's 50% worse than the Canadian average, and worse than any other Province in Canada.

Harris increase jobs. From 1995 to 2003, Ontario Unemployment rate went from 8.7% to 6.9% - a drop of 1.8%. the Canadian average 9.5% to 7.6% - a drop of 1.9%. That's 5% worse than Canadian average. Harris managed to undo the NDP damage.

In terms of GDP, Ontario by 16.4% under Rae, below the Canadian average of 19.2%. Under Harris (and Eves), from 1995 to 2003, Ontario grew by 49.7%, just a touch better than the Canadian average and only surpassed by Alberta and NewFoundland.

Harris was premier who suffered under the Liberals cuts to transfer payments - the first in history. And contrary to what people say, he did not cut healthcare (
This has to be a joke. Then again, I was driving along Eglinton today and saw an electronic billboard with a coupon and "Doug Ford will save you 10 cents a liter". Please.

Edit: Ok so a 24 costs roughly $1.07 a beer, apparently. He makes it sound like he's saving people a couple of bucks a can. This is a sign of desperation, he is frantically trying to keep his base happy.
Everyone knows that buck-a-beer means $24 for a 2-4. In 2008, the Liberals changed the law to force beer to cost more than that threshold.

Does saving 10¢ mean that gas will be 10¢/l.?
This has to be a joke. Then again, I was driving along Eglinton today and saw an electronic billboard with a coupon and "Doug Ford will save you 10 cents a liter". Please.

Edit: Ok so a 24 costs roughly $1.07 a beer, apparently. He makes it sound like he's saving people a couple of bucks a can. This is a sign of desperation, he is frantically trying to keep his base happy.

The cheapest I could see beer, in Ontario, in a 2-4 unit size was $33.50 for 'Red Cap' that would be $1.39 per bottle.

I'm not sure what the minimum price under Ontario law is right now, even though, being me, I looked up the regulation, LOL

I just looked at the formula and shook my head. I'm sure the industry is given up-to-date schedules, but the manner in which the price is arrived at is rather convoluted, and under law involves a calculation off a 2010 base rate.

Beer Price Reference


To be clear, I don't see this as an issue of grand import.

Its certainly not gonna make me vote for Doug.

However, I must confess to finding the whole nature of the byzantine booze pricing policy a bit much.

I think it would suffice to have the law read: Thou shall not sell beer or any alcohol below cost, inclusive of any and all taxes and mandatory fees.

The end. One sentence.

If government genuinely wants the price higher, simply hike the tax, rather than all this regulatory bafflegab.


I do, however, support more convenient purchase by time and place.

I just don't see any compelling reason to restrict the sale of beer and wine in particular to a private or government monopoly.

Its lots of unnecessary infrastructure, at the same time, it results in a rather silly issue that if you work on a Sunday afternoon, you can't buy alcohol after work to go w/your dinner.

Not that important, but unnecessary annoyance just the same.


There is something to Doug's promises on this issue. Not that they're brilliant or important (they are neither) but they are moderately popular.

There's no reason for 'the left' to defend the status quo when they can just steal Dougie's thunder on this and move along to more important matters.
Last Victoria Day weekend (I think), I reported on Renata's homestead lacking a PC sign. Went by tonight, and it has one now. (Also, the garage door's been repainted. Last time it was dark and spotty.)
Edit: Ok so a 24 costs roughly $1.07 a beer, apparently. He makes it sound like he's saving people a couple of bucks a can. This is a sign of desperation, he is frantically trying to keep his base happy.

I want to see him try and lower the cost of my 24s. Pilsner Urquell 500mL.....~60$

.....still wouldn't vote for him. What's this for, the alcoholic vote?

Also, you get what you pay for...."Buck-a-beers" aren't really beer....more like dirty swill.
Also, you get what you pay for...."Buck-a-beers" aren't really beer....more like dirty swill.

Yeah, I can see such stuff at (and "manufactured exclusively for") Dollarama, together with the Red Rain energy drinks, etc...

Hey; back when they were going strong, I saw the Ford PCs as a kind of easy "Dollarama" voting option.
No they can't. Article 24 can't be used on a leader if they are in the premier's seat. The only provision in the PCPO Constitution for a leadership review is once, right after they lose an election.

There's no official way for caucus to remove a leader, nor is there a mechanism for members to force a confidence vote. That means the only option for an unhappy caucus is a coup, and the deck is stacked in favour of the leader. If Ford becomes premier or survives the mandatory confidence vote it will be near impossible to ditch him.

"Near" is a good term, it would not be impossible if proper pressures are used to force Dougie's resignation. At least, a simple majority is all that is needed for a non-confidence.
Good bit of sarcasm there - as almost everything you said is not true. I'll just fill in a few facts for those gullible enough to think what you wrote may be true.

NDP worsened the recession. From 1990 to 1995, Canada unemployment rate went from 8.1% to 9.5% - an increase of 1.5%. In same time, Ontario went from 6.2% to 8.7% - an increase of 2.5%. That's 50% worse than the Canadian average, and worse than any other Province in Canada.

Harris increase jobs. From 1995 to 2003, Ontario Unemployment rate went from 8.7% to 6.9% - a drop of 1.8%. the Canadian average 9.5% to 7.6% - a drop of 1.9%. That's 5% worse than Canadian average. Harris managed to undo the NDP damage.

In terms of GDP, Ontario by 16.4% under Rae, below the Canadian average of 19.2%. Under Harris (and Eves), from 1995 to 2003, Ontario grew by 49.7%, just a touch better than the Canadian average and only surpassed by Alberta and NewFoundland.

Harris was premier who suffered under the Liberals cuts to transfer payments - the first in history. And contrary to what people say, he did not cut healthcare (

First, thanks for the numbers, second, thanks for attempting to put words in my mouth, and lastly, thanks for proving some of the things I did say.
All this last minute pandering like buck-a-beer is hysterical. I'm sure there are some who will fall for it just like when there was free alcohol at Ford Festers.

IMHO this just shows real desperation... the smell of fear is thick.
