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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Listen........terrorism is a high bar.
I thought it was as well.

But one can be slimy, extremists, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, prone to violence; and without redeeming value w/o that appellation applying.
Yeah, I know some people who fit this description. I wouldn't call them terrorists though. Just arseholes.

The masturbation policy was later modified to read: "no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in any calendar month" and "all members shall abstain from pornography".[49]

What the hell?! The non-straight ones get to wank it more often? hahahahaha

That's not even a bad edict, really. Porn sucks for the most part and wanking is over-rated.

Though, I can defo see how some might conflate such a policy with terrorism.
Here is an interesting article on this specific subject.............its by Monia Mazigh who happens to be the wife of Maher Arrar.

Its an intriguing perspective in which she essentially disagrees with labelling anyone a terrorist under the law; as she sees it as too open to abuse and most likely to be used against minorities and dissenters.

But she's open to labelling of the Proud Boys if only to make a point that more people ought to feel the oppression of the designation so that they might fight its existence in common.

To be clear, in the article, she has no time whatsoever for this group, as she makes clear.

But she's able to differentiate between that, and what she sees as a very flawed law.
Here is an interesting article on this specific subject.............its by Monia Mazigh who happens to be the wife of Maher Arrar.

That seemed a bit incoherent to be honest and opens a discussion about the ends justifying the means which is......a rough one. Take the system down by expanding it? I don't reckon.

If these fascist and Marxist losers could all just beat each other to death we'd all be better off.

PS: Am I the only one who can't take Gavin McInnes seriously? I swear he's just trolling everyone.
PS: Am I the only one who can't take Gavin McInnes seriously? I swear he's just trolling everyone.

One might arguably have written a similar statement at any point in the last 4 years and change that would have read:

PS: Am I the only one who can't take Donald Trump seriously? I swear he's just trolling everyone.

On a certain level; I'm sure that's right; but I'm equally sure that some real damage was done along the way; never mind the incidental damage of toxic rhetoric and of 4 wasted years.

The same might be said of Gavin's enterprise. Its direct harms have been real, but thankfully infrequent; but its rhetoric ranges from unhelpful to inciteful; and at best it isn't providing young men who need a sense of purpose with
something useful to do or a legit reason to be proud.

Whether its 'terrorist' or not...............its garbage just the same.
One might arguably have written a similar statement at any point in the last 4 years and change that would have read:

PS: Am I the only one who can't take Donald Trump seriously? I swear he's just trolling everyone.
4 years? That orange bastard's been trolling people for decades. See: Atlantic City casino fiasco.

On a certain level; I'm sure that's right; but I'm equally sure that some real damage was done along the way; never mind the incidental damage of toxic rhetoric and of 4 wasted years.
His presidency was a symptom not a cause. He sure didn't help with the cause though!

The same might be said of Gavin's enterprise. Its direct harms have been real, but thankfully infrequent; but its rhetoric ranges from unhelpful to inciteful; and at best it isn't providing young men who need a sense of purpose with
something useful to do or a legit reason to be proud.

Now, this is truth!

Whether its 'terrorist' or not...............its garbage just the same.
Yeah, that's a I said, these chumps and the antifa dirtbags can all go beat each other off a cliff.
Ah, the report was released. CP24 is calling it "scathing" (link isn't currently working for me).
Assuming the above is correct; if they don't have an immediate replacement ready to be sworn in; the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Canada is the 'Acting Governor General'.

As someone pointed out online, a vaguely amusing noting that the person whose signature gives the law validity could be the one to rule on its constitutionality.
So remember her assault issues in the US years ago? We're surprised now are we?

The PM's judgment is seriously bunk...always has been.

Personally, I think her management style is probably close to mine and she was just surrounded by weak people who require constant validation, but I wasn't there so can't know for sure.
I'm not really surprised. From all I have read about her, she strikes me as a no-nonsense, high-achieving person who 'didn't suffer fools kindly'. That may work in an academic or aerospace setting but not in a role that is, while an important cog in our form of government, largely ambassadorial and ceremonial and it seems she had little interest in that. Unfortunately for her, she followed a person who performed the role quite admirably.

Treating staff badly and creating toxicity is just plain wrong. It seems that the report is wide-ranging enough that it isn't just a few fragile civil servants.

Perhaps we expect too much from the office. It seems that expecting a single person to somehow embody the length and breadth of whatever the country is unrealistic. I suppose the PMO figured they found a person that ticked a lot of their boxes.
