News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Her cadence destroys me every time she speaks, any transcript would be covered in false commas and pauses, whilst the record of what was actually said would be mostly noncommittal tangents and prevarications.


"Her cadence destroys me...."

Mate, you're destroying me right now.

I hadn't even noticed a problem with the way she speaks.....except in French but that's another story.
They are Falun Gong. Nuff said...

That doesn't mean anything and is not an example of "seditious falsehoods" being published in The Epoch Times

I just got a copy in the post last week. Haven't read it yet, but I will and when I do, I best be finding seditious falsehoods else I'm going to be disappointed in the baseless accusations flying around in here.

Nah, I already am. :p

They seem like terrorists to me....

You just posted another take on what AoD already had posted.

The fact remains, that'd be like me saying that Islam is a terrorist organisation because a few degens decided to kill some people.

What would happen to me around here if I were to say something like that eh?
Yes, her English shows signs of her Ukrainian heritage (?) but so what? We can't all have your English background and
she keeps getting more and more important jobs and does them very well. Judge people on how they perform not on their cadence!
That‘s all a little rich. My wife is Ukrainian-Canada and I spent my young adult years surrounded by her 2nd Gen Ukrainian grandparents, uncles, cousins and family. AFAIK, her presentation has nothing to do with the Alberta-born Freeland having two Ukrainian grandparents. There are a very many multilingual or non-English background federal politicians who are effective orators. No, her manner of speech is pure old-school politician, trying to speak whilst saying nothing, which is to say she’s much the same as many other politicians, but her delivery is grating.

You assert she’s bounced from fives jobs in five years because she‘s done them very well. How so? If she was doing such a great job at Foreign Affairs, why not leave her to fix the China file, for example? She failed to gain any concessions or to build a united side with Mexico on new Nafta. She was played by Trump on Meng Wanzhou, leading to the kidnapping of the two Michaels, now held for over two years! Just wait, soon Biden is going to cancel the extradition request, and Meng will go free, leaving Cananda-China relations in tatters, all for what? And then there’s her department‘s disaster of the PM’s India trip. Sure, Trudeau was an idiot to parade around in his culturally-appropriated garb, but her job was to manage that trip, make sure Canada looks good and the PM is prepared.

But with the pandemic bringing havoc, I hope you’re right, all Canadians should, since she’s now responsible for managing us through the biggest economic disaster in Canadian history. Unlike her other five roles these past five years, there’s no where else to go, no one goes from Finance to Veterans Affairs or whatnot. So, I embrace your optimism and cross my fingers that your faith is well placed. I’ll gladly share in your, and espouse my own Freeland fandom if she can get Canada back into the black and economic growth.
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Canada Post keeps delivering The Epoch Times, even without permission:

I have signed the petition as The Epoch Times has so many seditious falsehoods it makes the Toronto Sun a newspaper of record in comparison and the Sun is trash (except for the sports section).
Oh, is it? I have it in my hands for about 3 second between mailbox and recycle bin.
Her provincial counterparts spoke glowingly of Freeland when she was intergovernmental affairs minister. I don't doubt she is effective, though her turn at Finance will be revealing. I'm not sure we could expect anyone to unpick the China/US power play we were stuck in.
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They've been pushing Trump's election lies.

Yeah, just read an article about that in there this morning. Wasn't exactly Trump-esque but it was along the same lines.

That saga is largely over.....the CCP however are still around, and that's what this rag is really about.
You just posted another take on what AoD already had posted.

The fact remains, that'd be like me saying that Islam is a terrorist organisation because a few degens decided to kill some people.

What would happen to me around here if I were to say something like that eh?

That's a bad-faith BS argument - hiding behind the few bad apples - and you know it.

That's a bad-faith BS argument - hiding behind the few bad apples - and you know it.


Sorry, I don't know it.

Islamic terrorism is a real thing. As in people who hide behind their religion and use it as reason and pretext for their heinous crimes. This doesn't mean that the entire religion is a terrorist organisation.

Same thing with the Proud Boys as far as we can tell.

I know it's fashionable to defend one and denigrate the other, but please explain to my apparently simple mind why it's different to make generalisations about one group of people and not another.

Have the Proud Boys as an organisation committed any terrorist acts? Have they condoned any?
Have they plotted any?
Are they currently plotting any?

Look, I don't care for them nor for religious psychopaths, I only care that standards be applied to all people equally, which is clearly not the case here as far as I can tell.
Listen........terrorism is a high bar.

But one can be slimy, extremists, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, prone to violence; and without redeeming value w/o that appellation applying.

In looking for definitive evidence on the terrorist question (definitions, examples of conduct, and how comparable groups have been labelled) I read their Wikipedia entry.

To me......this line establishes all we need to know about this group..............LOL

The masturbation policy was later modified to read: "no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in any calendar month" and "all members shall abstain from pornography".[49]

