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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Ms. Wilson-Raybould has put her cards down, let's see how Trudeau and the Liberals respond. I don't think she nor Philpotts will be part of the Liberal party for long, IMO.
I believe that JWR and JP misjudged the caucus and expected more would have the integrity to leave the Trudeau camp.
I don't think you can secretly record colleagues, call them out and expect to stick around.

Lol this was more about the liberals trying to help out SNC to get 9 seats in Quebec and it blew up in their faces and was gonna cost them 30 seats in Ontario.

The liberals are circling the wagon and now they have to carve up that 35-38% of the vote and everyone else can go fuck themselves.

Doing politics differently was a sham lol
Frankly think Canada would be better served with more Maverick Mps who could stand up against their parties.

I am quite young but seeing the Harper years and now Trudeau years, it seems the Mps are nothing more then trained seals for the 'glory of the PM'
Frankly think Canada would be better served with more Maverick Mps who could stand up against their parties
Agree, but there’s the right way to do it. First of all, the AG should have taken the recording to the PM, not the public. The PM would have admonished the AG for recording at all, but would have listened to the AG.

AFAICT from yesterday’s news and release of the texts, the AG didn’t want to be shuffled out to another cabinet post. That seems to be the crux of her motivation, not SNC.
Agree, but there’s the right way to do it. First of all, the AG should have taken the recording to the PM, not the public. The PM would have admonished the AG for recording at all, but would have listened to the AG.

AFAICT from yesterday’s news and release of the texts, the AG didn’t want to be shuffled out to another cabinet post. That seems to be the crux of her motivation, not SNC.

but it seemed she was pushed from her job due to SNC so it all comes back full circle.
First of all, the AG should have taken the recording to the PM, not the public.
She didn't "take them public". She submitted it to the Cmte. It was the Cmte that then publicly posted them. If you enter a recorded defence in court to substantiate your testimony, and the court records aren't sealed, is that "releasing it to the public"? The Libs had every opportunity to allow more testimony from JWR and Philpott. They blocked it at every turn.
My gut is that JWR runs as an Independent... and wins.
Both Phipott and JWR! The polls in their ridings are overwhelmingly in their favour if they run as independents.

I take this one step farther: They will not only be elected as independents, but they form, with Elizabeth May and other independents, the crux of a new Centrist Movement. My reference for precedence? The UK, where party members from both major parties are leaving to form independent groups.

It has to happen in this nation, and soon. The Libs are Liars and the Cons are cons.
The one feature of what our version of parliamentary democracy has eroded to that I deeply dislike is the concentration of power at The Centre and the exercise of that power by invisible, unelected political staffers. That the PMO appoints deputy ministers and the chiefs of staff for all cabinet members strikes me like the days of 'political officers' embedded into Soviet military units. No doubt the system needs shaking up, but if the two now-former MPs thought they could reform it by publicly poking it in the eye without consequence they were naive. If they expected to have a meaningful and lasting impact, they could have gathered allies in caucus for a growing and consistent voice. Open warfare with the very people you are wanting to come to your way of thinking strikes me as an odd tactic. They chose their hill to die on.

Did JWR think that being a woman and an aboriginal gave her a pass to throw grenades into the room?
Wells lives outside the riding, but said he still intends to volunteer for Wilson-Raybould's campaign, should she run as an Independent or for a different party. He also said he'll vote against the Liberals in the next election.

“I believe she is a very talented, very skilled, very knowledgeable person and they're making a big mistake in throwing her away,” he said.

“She's seems to be continuing the path of truthfulness and embracing the Liberal principles and the rest of them seem to be doing whatever they have to do to stay in power, and that's typical politics.

“She is not engaging in typical politics. She's trying to do the right thing and she's being punished for it and it disgusts me.”
I'd love to be part of that campaign if JWR was my MP. The question isn't whether she's electable or not, that's a given from a number of polls, ditto for Philpott. The question is: "How many more will be incentivized by this to run as independents?"

In the UK right now, it's a rapidly growing movement. To the point of being able to swing votes. This group is the fourth largest bloc in the House right now. Perhaps the language doesn't translate well into Canadian?
So far, eight Labour MPs and three Conservative MPs have quit their parties and joined forces as the Independent Group. From Labour, Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Mike Gapes, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Ann Coffey, Gavin Shuker, andJoan Ryan have all left.Mar 1, 2019
The Independent Group: Who are they and what do they stand for ...

It's time for moral centrists to take back politics!
I don’t think the Independent Group in the UK is a very instructive example. It’s a function of the unprecedented chaos and disruption of Brexit.
It’s a function of the unprecedented chaos and disruption of Brexit.
As an informed Dual, I disagree. It's only by degree, not characteristic. If it was as irrelevant as you claim, then why was Trudeau so afraid to institute the reform of representation he pledged to do?

Too little time to quote right now, but things are more complex in Canada than some seem to realize:

Edit to Add: I'll quote more from other sources later, but this should truly give Libpologists cause for concern:
Both Haack and Dosanjh said time is running out for the Liberals to change course, as a federal election looms before Oct. 21.

Haack said that, after watching a video of Trudeau explaining why the party booted Wilson-Raybould and Philpott, he phoned party headquarters to cancel his monthly donations after years of contributions.

“I won’t be donating any time for the foreseeable future,” he said.

He said the damage done to the Liberals over their handling of the scandal could only have been overcome by Trudeau resigning as leader.

“In an election year, the only way for the party to combat this is for the prime minister to have resigned today.”

Dosanjh, who served as B.C.’s attorney general before becoming premier, said he was “aghast” at the repeated attempts by the prime minister, his office and the Clerk of the Privy Council to “badger” Wilson-Raybould “over and over and over.”

“As a former attorney general myself, that was highly inappropriate,” Dosanjh said. “Wasn’t there any adult in the room who could tell him what Wilson-Raybould was doing was legally her right?”
- : link above

Second Edit to Add: Just getting a chance to weigh the sentiment in BC on this, I've sourced a number of BC sites to try and get a popular feel for the dominant sentiment, and it's NOT good for Justin the smug, little #%*$.

My God, how did I even allow friends to force me to tolerate him? And Scheer is no better on the other polarity.

The question isn't if JWR can't be part of a new movement on the West Coast, that's becoming a given, it's whether Philpott can also do so In Toronto?

But BC for now:

More comment later.

LOL! Just at the Globe to quote Mason, Clark, Yakabuski, Ibbitson et al to buttress my claim above, and lo and behold! Leading headline just up at Globe:
Women turn backs while Trudeau speaks at event day after Wilson-Raybould, Philpott ouster
The Prime Minister tried to explain his expulsion of Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott to Daughters of the Vote delegates Wednesday when nearly 50 women slowly rose and turned their backs

And then you have pathetic groupies like Joly:
Tourism Minister Melanie Joly defended Mr. Trudeau’s record comments to reporters Wednesday morning, suggesting Ms. Wilson-Raybould and Ms. Philpott were not team players.

“We have a strong Prime Minister that is a feminist. We have a feminist agenda. Our record speaks for itself. As to my two colleagues, I would argue that loyalty and feminism are two different things. … You [either] want to work in a team or you don’t.”

I guess for some, "feminism" comes in a make-up kit...

Real Feminists don't grovel...and I'm proud of them. There's work to do...
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