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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Congratulations Canada you have Ontario’s voting problem: the choice between what you feel is the least worst option in a short list of bad options

But it does bring a smile to my face that Trudeau has been exposed as a phony...

The people who endlessly said the nice image he shows is all fake, have been proven right.

He is no different then your typical politician ready to do whatever it takes to keep power because 'we are the best'

2019 will be bad as no party has no moral high ground really.
Trudeau resigning would warm me to voting Liberal as I never liked that guy. The Liberals already get +1 point for removing Butts from his PMO position.

The Conservative party gets points for how effectively Andrew Scheer can cock block Doug Ford or any of his team members from ever acheiving a leadership position at the Federal level. Because whatever you think of Scheer he is not Doug Ford. P.S. I voted for Doug Ford
There's no shortage of evil, cynical, incisive and nasty things to write on this. But there's an absolute gem that's emerged:
jody wilson-raybould.

Perhaps I'm idealistic and naive, but this woman has offered the nation a point of hope, in truth and honesty. How can you not believe what she has to say? She's meticulous. She measured every word minutely so that she can stand behind it later if challenged.

Look at the odds folks: "Eleven members of the Cabinet" + the Privy Clerk against her. And everyone (almost) believes her because she references and indexes everything she says, has said, should have said, and (yet to fully happen, the Gag Order is still in effect) is about to say. And even gagged, she has the nation enthralled.

This woman oozes dignity, strength, honesty and character. I've never seen anything quite like this. And I'm a dyed in the wool cynic!

In one fell swoop, this woman takes the cause of the First Nations, Womanhood, honesty and justice to the highest level.

Now the big question: If she runs as party leader...oh man...and wins....can she retain all of that? If she can attract other like-minded people to also run, it would hopefully be the dawn of a new day...but I'm afraid my cynical side is taking over again.

JWR: I love you! You give me hope. May it give the Nation the same hope...
There's no shortage of evil, cynical, incisive and nasty things to write on this. But there's an absolute gem that's emerged:
jody wilson-raybould.

Perhaps I'm idealistic and naive, but this woman has offered the nation a point of hope, in truth and honesty. How can you not believe what she has to say? She's meticulous. She measured every word minutely so that she can stand behind it later if challenged.

Look at the odds folks: "Eleven members of the Cabinet" + the Privy Clerk against her. And everyone (almost) believes her because she references and indexes everything she says, has said, should have said, and (yet to fully happen, the Gag Order is still in effect) is about to say. And even gagged, she has the nation enthralled.

This woman oozes dignity, strength, honesty and character. I've never seen anything quite like this. And I'm a dyed in the wool cynic!

In one fell swoop, this woman takes the cause of the First Nations, Womanhood, honesty and justice to the highest level.

Now the big question: If she runs as party leader...oh man...and wins....can she retain all of that? If she can attract other like-minded people to also run, it would hopefully be the dawn of a new day...but I'm afraid my cynical side is taking over again.

JWR: I love you! You give me hope. May it give the Nation the same hope...
JWR does not speak French. This unofficial rule has excluded rough 2/3 of Canadians from becoming PM. The Laurentian elite rule will hurt the Liberals this time.
He is no different then your typical politician ready to do whatever it takes to keep power because 'we are the best'
correction. Tuesday is worse than your typical politician.
how many section of the ethics act was Harper guilty of?
how many women did Harper grope or elbow in the chest?

what Harper did do was campaign on raising pension age. The right thing he knew was politically unpopular. Harper sadly assumed votes would be evidence based.
JWR does not speak French. This unofficial rule has excluded rough 2/3 of Canadians from becoming PM. The Laurentian elite rule will hurt the Liberals this time.
Do you always insist on pissing on others? The lady stands tall.

Photo - The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould

Political Affiliation:Liberal
Constituency:Vancouver GranvilleMap – Elections Canada
Province / Territory:British Columbia
Preferred Language:English / French

THE HONOURABLE JODY WILSON-RAYBOULD - OVERVIEW - HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA Overview | Roles | Work | Expenditures Report Photo - The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould Political Affiliation:Liberal Constituency:Vancouver Granville Map – Elections Canada Province / Territory:British Columbia Web

So let's examine the source of the aspersion cast on JWR as per above, by Mr Househusband (sic):
He said the federal Justice Department will be required to address numerous matters in Quebec in the months ahead and suggested this might be the motivation for the shuffle: that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needed a fluent French speaker.

“For example that there’s a lot of legal issues coming up in Quebec and the Prime Minister may well have decided he needed a justice minister that could speak French,” Mr. Housefather said. “So the idea that she was shuffled because of this unproven allegation to me is quite ridiculous.”

Later Thursday afternoon on Twitter, however, Mr. Housefather said he had erred by making the comments and that he had no “specific knowledge” of the reasons behind Ms. Wilson-Raybould’s removal from the justice portfolio. In a follow-up tweet 36 minutes later, he apologized to Ms. Wilson-Raybould. “I never should have tried to speculate about something like this.”

Ms. Wilson-Raybould has good comprehension of French but cannot speak the language fluently, according to two people familiar with her proficiency.

Deputy Conservative Leader Lisa Raitt said she doesn’t believe Mr. Housefather could be an impartial chair into the hearings regarding the former minister.

“The chairman of the justice and human rights committee told Canadians that the former A-G was not suitable for the job because she didn’t speak French,” Ms. Raitt said. “As every day goes by, he shows his bias in this matter.”

NDP MP Nathan Cullen characterized Mr. Housefather’s comments as desperate.

“This tactic of trying to slander Jody Wilson-Raybould rather than pay attention to the real scandal strikes me as weakness and desperation from this government,” Mr. Cullen said.

Mr. Housefather, reached by phone later Thursday before he had apologized on Twitter, emphasized he had no idea why the MP from British Columbia was moved to Veterans Affairs and was merely hypothesizing. [...]

Hung by his own apron to speak...Quoi?

So while we're on the subject, let's string this apron further, father, or it is farther, further? Or Fuehrer? Housefuehrer....pardon my Yiddish is poor too.

From the bastion of socialist leftist Trotskyism:
TorSun Editorial:
As chair of the Liberal-dominated parliamentary justice committee—which is allowing a much-diluted emergency meeting to continue probing former justice minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal—Housefather did the media rounds and said Wilson-Raybould could have been bounced by the PM because there are a lot of important judicial files in Quebec and that she may have had to go because she couldn’t speak French.

And he said it twice, in French and in English, before he publicly apologizing for floating his ridiculous little balloon.

What was he thinking? Was he thinking that Wilson-Raybould held that dual portfolio for well over three years and that Trudeau suddenly woke up one morning to the realization, known for years by virtually everyone else, that Wilson-Raybould’s French is pisse pauvre?

And that’s why she had to be bounced down to minister of veteran affairs because, what? There are no veterans speaking French in Quebec?

How stupid does Housefather think we are?

On Friday, Trudeau himself said Housefather was patently wrong in his analysis of the possible reason for bouncing Wilson-Raybould, but then he went on to say something as equally unbelievable. [...]

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JWR does not speak French. This unofficial rule has excluded rough 2/3 of Canadians from becoming PM. The Laurentian elite rule will hurt the Liberals this time.
Rubbish. If you want the be the PM, you learn the language. Harper didn’t speak any French when he decided to run for politics, so he learned it. It’s not an impossible task, especially if you have a federal government’s or party’s budget to pay for your language lessons.

If you’re a leader of Switzerland, you need to speak all the official languages. It doesn’t matter that 1/3 of the nation may not understand the other 2/3, you’re the PM of all the people, so learn the official language(s).
I wouldn’t want to be a shareholder or employee of SNC Lavalin nowadays, looks like you’re going to be hurt badly. Though I predict the courts will acquit the company of the worst charges, so this whole pressure on the AG wasn’t necessary
I dont think this hurts Trudeau too much but it makes his reelection more difficult.

After the Indian mess, his poll numbers never went back over 40% and it is to be seen if depresses his numbers long term.

My logic is that each issue is slowly making more and more canadians dislike Trudeau.

The issue is the Tories don't have a leader to really rally people outside of the conservative base.

However I dont really see the liberals getting a majority right now
However I dont really see the liberals getting a majority right now
But with the NDP imploding, it will be a majority for either the Cons or Libs. Unless Singh can rebuild an orange wave. Quebecers will be drawn to Trudeau as a defender against a Con, western, Anglo and ( to the more racist) indigenous attack against them.
^ Trudeau's not going to draw anyone save a few desperate ideologues. The Party might still be considered the best of a bad lot, but Trudeau, who was on 'probation' in the minds of a lot of people (I put aside my latent disgust with the rich-boy girlyman) as he seemed to be delivering a reasonably strong and hopeful era.

It's like a marriage gone bad with someone you never fully trusted, but thought the doubts could be overcome. You find your partner cheating, and a dirtbag to boot. You don't get a second time.

Minority government for the Libs unless they run a new leader. A real leader, someone who can be trusted, and doesn't make you sick wearing silly costumes and saying things like:

Trudeau says zero tolerance on misconduct toward women applies to him as well
Social Sharing
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says women who come forward with complaints of sexual assault and harassment must be supported and believed.
And he's confident no one will be able to accuse him of the kinds of behaviour that have brought down several high-profile politicians this week.
"I've been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of people's space and people's headspace as well," he told CBC Radio's The House, in an interview airing Saturday.
When asked if any of his past actions could be misconstrued, Trudeau said he didn't think so.

And Morneau...I won't post my comments on him in this string, I already have to personal contacts who understand and appreciate the vulgarities I expressed.
Do you always insist on pissing on others? The lady stands tall.

Photo - The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould

Political Affiliation:Liberal
Constituency:Vancouver GranvilleMap – Elections Canada
Province / Territory:British Columbia
Preferred Language:English / French

THE HONOURABLE JODY WILSON-RAYBOULD - OVERVIEW - HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA Overview | Roles | Work | Expenditures Report Photo - The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould Political Affiliation:Liberal Constituency:Vancouver Granville Map – Elections Canada Province / Territory:British Columbia Web

So let's examine the source of the aspersion cast on JWR as per above, by Mr Househusband (sic):

Hung by his own apron to speak...Quoi?

So while we're on the subject, let's string this apron further, father, or it is farther, further? Or Fuehrer? Housefuehrer....pardon my Yiddish is poor too.

From the bastion of socialist leftist Trotskyism:

Sorry, but essentially the french language "rule" was brought in by Pierre Trudeau to ensure that a Laurentian Elite would always be PM. It was also considered a way to appease Quebec, although Quebec separation really began to soar under P. Trudeau.
It is possible to learn French at an advanced age, but one will never become that good, and will not be accepted by the french media (including much of the Ottawa media).
This unofficial rule has hurt the conservatives as well, likely preventing Raitt, Rempell, Wall, from being considered for the leader job. And JWR, from BC, also gets punished by this rule.
The fact that the above, including JWR, concentrated on improving their professional status and careers, means that they had to put French on the backburner. We collectively have decided that it is more important that our PM was born in (or close to) a french speaking area (Toronto to Quebec City corridor), than having an intelligent PM.
Sorry, but essentially the french language "rule" was brought in by Pierre Trudeau to ensure that a Laurentian Elite would always be PM. It was also considered a way to appease Quebec, although Quebec separation really began to soar under P. Trudeau.
It is possible to learn French at an advanced age, but one will never become that good, and will not be accepted by the french media (including much of the Ottawa media).
This unofficial rule has hurt the conservatives as well, likely preventing Raitt, Rempell, Wall, from being considered for the leader job. And JWR, from BC, also gets punished by this rule.
The fact that the above, including JWR, concentrated on improving their professional status and careers, means that they had to put French on the backburner. We collectively have decided that it is more important that our PM was born in (or close to) a french speaking area (Toronto to Quebec City corridor), than having an intelligent PM.

Summed up in 2 letters. BS
