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News   Sep 12, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Cottage country has asked them not to go, so the actual owners are mostly not going. They are very generous at sharing it with friends and family so there is usually a gang there. Not these days.
I personally know someone who was 40 days positive. She is doing well now. No idea where she contracted it, no history of travel (this was back in the early days)
My supervisor was talking to me about how work was asking some people if they would be willing to come in maybe one day a week. In my case, I take transit and am not that close to the office, so they understand if I still want to work remotely. I am wary of using public transit again, even if I wear a mask and there are other precautions taken.
10,000 Canadians to be tested for COVID-19 antibodies in hopes of understanding immunity

Monday, June 1, 2020

TORONTO -- After a person has developed antibodies against COVID-19, how long does that immunity last?

That is one of the crucial questions that a new study led by Toronto researchers is hoping to answer.

By testing the blood of more than 10,000 Canadians for antibodies, which are developed after a person is exposed to the virus to fight it off, the Action to Beat Coronavirus study is hoping to not only find out whether immunity fades with time, but also discover just what percentage of the Canadian population has been exposed to COVID-19 -- and how many of those people got the virus without displaying any symptoms at all.

What to Expect When Your Dentist’s Office Reopens

Dentists Are Coming Back, But It's Not Business as Usual
On Tuesday, May 26, the Ministry of Health lifted restrictions to allow for the gradual restart of some health-care services. This includes being able to see the dentist again.
While this is good news, it doesn’t mean your dentist is open right now, or that it’s back to business as usual.
There is still a pandemic happening – that’s why dentists are taking extra precautions to ensure the protection of their patients, staff and themselves. Your next appointment will be a little different than what you’re used to.

Offices Must Meet Safety Requirements
For a dental office to reopen, it must meet all updated safety guidelines. These guidelines have been finalized by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) and are there to ensure the health and safety of everyone in the office and the community.
Keeping this in mind, dental offices will reopen in stages. For many dental offices this could take some time, so please be patient. Dentists are just as excited to see you as you are to see them and are doing their best to get back to caring for you as soon as possible.​

See link.

What will be different?

Here are some of the changes you can expect at your dentist’s office:
  • Appointments will be spaced out to allow physical distancing between patients. It will also allow time for their office to be disinfected between each appointment. That might mean less flexibility for scheduling your appointment
  • The day before your appointment your dentist or their staff will ask you questions to see if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. Your temperature will likely be taken with a touchless thermometer
  • You will be asked to wear a mask or face covering while in the office except when you are being treated
  • Dental staff will be wearing more protective gear than normal. This includes masks, face shields, and gowns. Your dentist must ensure that they have the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) before they schedule an in-person appointment
  • You may be asked to limit the number of people you bring to the appointment with you. There are exceptions for small children and people who require assistance. If a parent or caregiver is allowed, they will also be subject to all screening measures
  • You may be asked to wait outside the dentist's office and call when you arrive. You must then wait for a call back to let you know when you can enter
  • The waiting room will not be open for everyone. Chairs will be spaced two metres apart. There will be no magazines, toys, or any other non-essential items in the dental office, as these are all difficult to disinfect
  • Patients must wash their hands with a 70 to 90 per cent alcohol-based solution, or soap and water, when they enter and leave the dentist's office
  • Bathrooms will likely be closed to patient use
  • Plan to pay by touchless payment, such as credit card or Interac
So Doug Ford is deciding to extend the state of emergency through to the end of June. Personally I find this somewhat aggravating given how other countries and other parts already got this virus under control in a much shorter time. Even NYC got a much worse outbreak under control faster than we are.

I have lost faith in Doug Ford and his ability to control this pandemic. Originally I liked his handling of it but this has gone on far too long and the province needs to get its s**t together.

I am actually contemplating moving out of Canada to a country that actually has this more under control (I have options) and as much as I like Ontario this province is run by people who have no idea what they are doing.
Hey if people can protest by the thousands no way the govt can say you are evil for meeting your friends in the backyard
Hey if people can protest by the thousands no way the govt can say you are evil for meeting your friends in the backyard

Exactly. The problem is however that lawful protests are protected under the charter of rights and freedoms.

Seeing your friends during a pandemic is not.
Exactly. The problem is however that lawful protests are protected under the charter of rights and freedoms.

Seeing your friends during a pandemic is not.

true but what's a bigger health risk to the public right now.

A suburban backyard family get together sitting 6 feet apart or a mass protest.

My point is not to say no protest my point is I think its time the govt relax the rules with people meeting other a bit to something more reasonable.
