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New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities&quo

Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Adding unlimited to anything made it sounds like an unlimited company...

Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

The marketing lady is not my boss. I hardly see her.

And I am sorry, but I am not impressed.


What are we a business?
Come on.

Sorry, but can't believe it took $4 million to come up with that.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

On another note, this campaign would be perfectly paired with The Barenaked Ladies in terms of television media. The colorful, playful design mixed with 'If I had a million dollars' would make for a commercial that would catch your attention (and be a good representation of Toronto/Ontario culture). Maybe they could even record a few tracks with a somewhat riffier Kids In the Hall theme song kind of way.
Toronto Unlimited in Time Out New York

I got this week's edition of Time Out New York (weekly magazine guide to what's on in the city) yesterday, and there was a one page Toronto Unlimited ad. It focussed on Transformation AGO. At the top of the page there was a rendering of the Dundas Street façade with a brief description of the project. In the centre of the page was a 'handwritten' note from Frank Gehry describing his first encounters with art at the AGO. A photo of Gehry is next to the note. At the bottom of the page is the Toronto Unlimited logo.
Re: Toronto Unlimited in Time Out New York

No opinion on the logo, etc., just thought it was funny that 10 seconds after I got the email from Corporate Communications announcing the changes, I got another one from them announcing another smog alert has been initiated.
Re: Toronto Unlimited in Time Out New York

I must admit I'd love to see what MikeLimited would come up with to brand Toronto.
Re: Toronto Unlimited in Time Out New York

I like it, it's a winner! The typeface is a little strange, but it grows on youl. I really like the ads. Cute and iconic. Reminds me of the Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa's rebranding as uOttawa (somewhat similar to iPod-ish minimalism). Check out the website to see their icon!

The World Within a City isn't really our "old" one. It's been in use, what? five years?
Re: Toronto Unlimited in Time Out New York

Toronto Unlimited!

I like it!

It's to the point, clean and colourful. Nothing pious or overly-explanatory.

Clearly some of you will not be anything.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

The logos remind me of 1960's municipal architecture. I sware, the logos remind me of the paint job on the inside of the Scarborough Civic Centre.

In that case, we should bring back those kewl capsule-like Scarborough bus shelter designs;-)
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

We should put that logo atop Metro Hall. And have it light up in a continuous path, the way the CN logo in Montreal used to
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I like the ideas tossed around in the press release...but I can't really see them represented in the ads. I can see why they might think the ads work...but from where Im standing this seems less a rebranding of Toronto and more a rebranding of the "World within a city campaign".

The ads...well, they have a dated, antiseptic feel to them, even though they're colourful. Hard to pull that one off, but they managed. And Im not sure about the Toronto font seems eerily similar to another font Im thinking of, and overall, Im not really getting "Toronto" from it. And the use of the word "unlimited" has a certain "business" feel to it...the city is already stereotyped as a cold business city, Im sure they could've promoted the "unlimited" concept without actually USING the word "unlimited.

And some of the copy seems a little silly...sort of grade schoolish:


Perhaps it will grow on me in time, but as it stands now, Im not at all impressed.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

That logo blows. Literally. It reminds me of an exhaust blower

Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

That logo blows. Literally. It reminds me of an exhaust blower


Good observation!:rollin
