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New Automated Subway Station Announcements


I noticed automated announcements on the bloor line today, But they are different than the ones on the Yonge-University line.

"Bay Station is next. Bay"

"Arriving... Bay station"
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Thanks for that info. Guess someone at the TTC was thinking the same way and appreciated clarity and succinctness like many on this forum.
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Maybe they will run tests/public evaluation of the announcements. Too bad I have to take the YUS line.

Is it the same voice on the B-D as YUS and Sheppard and the Bayview bus?

I'm still not able to tune them out - I am finding the volume inconsistant - often it is too loud, but sometimes it isn't too bad.
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Wow... could this be the first time that the B-D subway is getting more respect than the Yonge subway?

If I'm lucky enough to sit in a B-D train with the automated announcements on my commute tomorrow, I'll try to get some recordings. Gotta test out that voice recorder on my new phone!

I take the Y-U line to school every morning, but transfer at St. George to the bloor line to get to Yonge. I noticed the announcement on the way to school, but wasnt paying attention on the way back. It did sound like the same voice, but it gave a more straight to the point message.
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Call me crazy but over the holidays while Christmas shopping I kept getting on different trains and hearing that same womans voice on every train and thought "Gee this poor woman is working day and night, non-stop". I would hear it at night and early morning and just assumed I was on the same train as the woman announcer/driver. LOL:b

You arent crazy. The announcements are automated.

As for the bloor line announcements.. Im starting to think Im going crazy. I have been listening for them and havnt heard anything in the past 2 days.
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I called customer service just now after the announcements were particularly loud coming in this morning. The agent said the court case required the saying of the station name four bloody times, the TTC has its hands tied (thanks to that lawyer).

So I guess if that lawyer has some spare time, maybe he should go sue the STM and Translink to require them to do the same. Twerp.

I can't tune them out. I hate them.
I can't stand the way she says "Summer HILL STATION."
Summ-mmer-hill station is probably the worst pronuncation of the whole line.
The agent said the court case required the saying of the station name four bloody times, the TTC has its hands tied (thanks to that lawyer
From what I understand this is false. IIRC it was the example provided by the lawyer as what form announcements might take; it was never presented as anything concrete. The TTC just went and copied it verbatium.

Perhaps the best thing to do would be to contact Giambrone.
When you take the B-D line instead of taking the YUS line for the longest part of your trip, it makes a big difference. If I only had to hear it from Bloor to Queen, I wouldn't be so annoyed.
That's what headphones are for ;) Consider investing in one - it has the added bonus of screening out babies, overly excited couples talking about their "catch of the day", boring office gossip, screaming schoolgirls, etc.

The announcements are sometimes so loud, they do interfere with music coming from my headphones. I am not an asshole and play music so loud that they disturb other passengers, but even then I can not tune them out!

Here's the judicial order. Cdl is right, the TTC agent is wrong. There is only a need to make two announcements - when leaving the previous station and when about to arrive. The text given is a suggestion (and is not the text the TTC decided on, being much more redundant)

B E T W E E N:
Ontario Human Rights Commission
David Lepofsky
Toronto Transit Commission
Adjudicator: Alvin B. Rosenberg, Q.C.
Date: June 30, 2005
File Number: HR-0587-04
Citation: 2005 HRTO 20
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
400 University Avenue, 7th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 1T7

Ontario Human Rights Commission ) Amyn Hadibhai, Counsel

David Lepofsky, Complainant ) On his own behalf

Toronto Transit Commission ) Angela Rae, Counsel

[1] After hearing all of the evidence and the final submissions of the parties.
[2] And after considering the issues raised by counsel and the relevant provisions contained
within the Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c.H. 19 (the “Codeâ€);
[3] And in consideration of the time that it will take for me to prepare my final written
decision and reasons, which I estimate to be between four to six months;
[4] I am satisfied that the Toronto Transit Commission (“TTCâ€) has had a duty to
accommodate the Complainant and similarly situated TTC patrons with similar disabilities, who
rely on the subway system as an important means of transportation, but that the TTC has failed to
do so for a period in excess of ten years;
[5] It is unfair to blind passengers to have the correction of the problem start only after my
reasons are released.
[6] Accordingly, I remain seized of this matter but make this Order to start the process of
correction now.
(1) The TTC shall commence announcing subway stations, clearly and consistently at each
(2) The TTC shall conduct educational seminars for their guards, drivers and senior
management, on a rotating basis, so that all employees in those categories will have
attended at least one such seminar in the next 90 days;
(3) Such educational seminars shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. the importance of clear and consistent subway stop announcements for blind and other
visually impaired passengers;
b. description from a blind passenger of the problems of traveling by subway when stops
are not called out consistently and clearly, and the terror of exiting the subway at an
incorrect stop;
c. the need to call out each subway stop twice, first when leaving the previous station
(e.g. “Bloor leaving Bloor stationâ€), and again, when arriving at the next stop (e.g. “St.
George arriving at St. George stationâ€);

d. the duty of drivers to ensure such announcements are made, and if not made by other
TTC staff, to make them themselves;
e. the seriousness of this breach of the Code, which requires TTC to ensure that proper
accommodation is achieved. Failure of the employees to do as directed may result in
serious sanctions, including dismissal;
(4) That this Order be copied by counsel for TTC to the TTC Commissioners so that they
will know that the TTC is in breach of the Code and that it is their responsibility to ensure
that the situation is corrected;
(5) The TTC shall conduct regular surveys of how consistently and appropriately the subway
stop announcements are made. The Chief Executive Officer (“CEOâ€) of the TTC shall
report to me by letter on the first day of each month, commencing on August 1, 2005,
with respect to the surveys taken and the results achieved.
[7] I shall remain seized of this matter and shall issue my decision and reasons as soon as
Dated at Toronto, this 30th day of June, 2005
“Alvin B.Rosenbergâ€
Alvin B.Rosenberg


I guess one thing that has resulted - notice now that msot of the time, it is possible to hear messages from Transit Control about subway disruptions? I especially like it when said messages are done at times when they override automated station announcements. :D

Though in stations, the other annoying lady reminding us to behave like adults is much more loud and clear as well.
