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Mel's revenge: City service cuts stupid, Lastman says

I think you have it wrong, that's higher wages for less work.

Related item although from The-Far-Superior-to-Toronto-Municipality of Mississauga. This one:

"The key FOCUS ONTARIO findings are:
* 87 per cent of Mississauga residents are very or somewhat satisfied with their municipal government".

Then a couple paragraphs down, the PR drops down a McCallion quote:

'"It's clear that Mississauga residents expect a lot from their City and are very satisfied with the way we operate here,' noted Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion."

Long before press release came out, I was wise to the Corporate Spin Department. So I dropped down a Freedom of Information on that 87% satisfaction rate that McCallion et al trumpet about at every opportunity.

Had to fight to finally get them to release that particular question, but...

Yes, 87% are very satisfied or somewhat satisfied.

But the press release leaving McCallion's comment, "'It's clear that Mississauga residents....are very satisfied with the way we operate here." does a neat flush of "somewhat satisfied".

The reality is that 43% of Mississauga residents are "very satisfied". And when you inspect the demographic breakdown there's a worrisome group that aren't. Like significantly aren't.

None of that gets mentioned. I followed up and emailed the person at Mississauga responsible for that survey. I question the methodology --by telephone it immediately disqualifies non-English/poor English speakers.

The page I received (and so would Council who plan on the results of this survey) would not have been given the results of the other municipalities or regions. I asked and no, they don't.

How can you not request the results of others in the GTA? Or Toronto's for that matter? I was just astounted. Like this'd be minimal expectation for me if I were a planner or in Community Services. Especially in light of one group that's clearly out of satisfaction-sync with the rest of Mississauga.

Here's something of interest to me. From what I read here, Toronto has higher level of services than Mississauga, correct? And lower taxes, right? Have been the beneficiary of Peel moneys, right?

I want to see if that translates into Toronto satisfaction in their Environics results.

Some of you might try to FOI that question for your municipality. Why? On page two you see the breakdown for "Provincial Support" and "Federal Support" as of November 2006.

And above all, you can compare your municipality's Environics press release to the reality of the actual print-out.

Clearly there are times when nobody knows at our city halls because nobody's even bothered to ask the question!
Thats because he can appreciate the humour in failed promises like mel

He can blame the financial debt he inherited for his woes, but how is Ontario's debt/deficit to blame for breaking promises on...

- Roll back tolls on the 407
- Stop 6,600 Houses on the Oak Ridges Moraine
- Provide autism treatment beyond age six
- Reduce Auto Insurance Rates by 10% Within 90 Days
- Make Ontario's Chief Medical Officer an independent officer of the Legislature
- Cut Ministers' Pay for Running a Deficit
- Eliminate Barriers to Foreign-Trained Professionals within One Year
- Require Trades and Professions to Accept Qualified Immigrants within One Year
- Repeal the Tenant Protection Act within One Year
Quote:Originally Posted by Blixtein
What I don't get is how the hell has the city's budget grown by $1.5 billion in four years? What exactly are we getting for that amount?

Better paid and more numerous city employees. Now doesn't that make you
Quote:Originally Posted by lordmandeep
higher wages for the unionized workers doing the same work as before.

I think you have it wrong, that's higher wages for less work.

Someone posted Toronto Council Budget debates on YouTube. I also watched that impressive verbal bludgeoning delivered by Vaughan and that Bambi Caught in Headlights Councillor.

I just don't really get any of it.

When I observe Mississauga Governance and I sit up in the benches, I face the Mayor and Councillors. But I know that masks the reality. The seating should be the other way around.

The real POWER is with the City Manager, the Legal Department and Community Services. Whoever controls the information? And the money?

It's THEM runnin' your city.

And fact is, even a ton of Freedom of Information-ing can't get to the root of it because of a municipality's record-destruction bylaw.

Meaning, no one has a clue how a municipality is run. Not even The Province. Not a clue.
Wow. That is the most perfect description of DeBaeremaeker that I have ever read!

As for the 'satisfaction' survey, that is great detective work Muse. Your words apply to how government works in general so well, not just Mississauga specifically.
Oh my god I'm not the only one who noticed that about Glenn DeBaeremaeker! I'm assuming that's who you mean...

Dunno his name.

Here's the City-News raw video --the dude with glasses on the receiving end of Adam Vaughan. Vaughan had him so well-placed. Vaughan back to the camera --City TV camera, I assume. And since Vaughan has a show on City, he probably even worked with the cameraman.

Mississauga Council is so bad even some of the FEMALES come off as dicks!

I could comment on this, but it would be so off topic.

Any opportunity to see Denzil trounced is always worth it.
Why the hell is McGuinty at the opening of a furniture store?
As the Roundhouse fiasco showed - furniture rules all!

As for the Vaughan-Minnan Wong scrap, I'm glad Minnan-Wong mentioned Vaughan's CityTV gig. He ran as a councillor so he should stop pretending to be a journalist while in office.
As the Roundhouse fiasco showed - furniture rules all!

As for the Vaughan-Minnan Wong scrap, I'm glad Minnan-Wong mentioned Vaughan's CityTV gig. He ran as a councillor so he should stop pretending to be a journalist while in office.

Can't believe City TV would even allow Vaughan on anymore. Getting elected should've immediately disqualified him fom City. Imagine the advantage that dude had in this last election with all that TV exposure.

I watched City Idol so I know how impossible it is for new names to break the ranks of city hall. The $$$$ incumbents have. Or the advantage of Name.
To be fair, CP24 (not CityTV) runs other shows with sitting politicans - the mayor has a show (when Mel was around, it was called MegaCityMel) as does the chief of police.

Ah, OK, thanks, SeanTrans.

I think the Mayor of any city should have a show on a local TV channel. I know Hazel McCallion has one on Rogers Cable 10. Calls are "prescreened" and people who get through mainly complain about potholes and traffic signs.

Mayor McCallion then says "I'll refer it to staff" and that's the show.

I also think it's great the Chief of Police has his own show for Toronto. It is, after all, a police service and communicating with the public is vital.

But Vaughan is a councillor. And CP24 gives the dude free air time. I read and heard numerous times that for municipal candidates, name recognition is everything. Someone who'd know also said that there's more movement in provincial politics (MPP's voted in and out) than in municipal.

Meaning once you made it as a councillor, either your city has to tank or you have to be convicted of some criminal charge to get out.

His CP24 show is free-air time for him. And it's unfair to all the other councillors. However, having typed all this I can't get excited about it. You just get used to "it"...

Thanks, SeanTrans.
You're right. I guess it is fine if the councillors who are interested appearing on the show to rotate around (wouldn't it be nice, for example to have a show with TTC Chair Giambrone?), but giving an exclusive one to Vaughan, a former employee, is at least suspicious.

But other city councillors have had columns or shows of their own too. For example, Clive Doucet, a great councillor in Ottawa, writes in the Globe occasionally.
I think it was actually more problematic when Vaughan was still a "journalist," but would constantly give his opinion on things. At least now he's not pretending to be a journalist anymore. There's nothing inherently wrong with a politician having a TV show, although the show shouldn't be aired during an election campaign.
Darkstar - Vaughan was holding a citytv mike.

In the video you can see Vaughan using both his hands. It's pretty clear that the CityTV reporter was standing next to him.
