Legacy, Ultra, Yorkland @ Heron's Hill Condos (Monarch Homes) - Real Estate

This might have been discussed else where, but i would ask it here as well - as to how will this work. Lets assume i purchased a pre-con house on July.2.2008 (signed the paperwork) and its occupancy lets say is in 2011 - will i still be hit with HST or will my signing date help me to get exempted, should this impact houses below 400K. At that time there wasnt any HST and I am wondering if this will still impact me - I am pretty much screwed and so would be a lot of purchasers who purchased along the time frame when HST was non existent. Could the builder be approached on this after this long ? what are the thoughts here ?
Anyone who signed the purchase agreement sometime mid of June 2009 and earlier will be completely exempted from the HST.

Since you signed the purchase agreement on July, then you will not be exempted from HST. I assume that you are not in the cooling period anymore. My question to you is, didn't you get the purchase agreement reviewed by your lawyer? If you did, your lawyer should have let you know about this. I don't think you have any option here, since your cooling period is finished. Just hope that the government will totally exempt any new homes (condo and house) under $400k. Go talk to your lawyer and see what he thinks. Or, if there is no other way out and you won't have extra cash to pay the 8%, ask your bank if they can increase the mortgage to cover the extra 8%.
Anyone who signed the purchase agreement sometime mid of June 2009 and earlier will be completely exempted from the HST. .

Newbuyer, You have been fantastic help. Really apprecaite your input as its getting things cleared out in my head quick.

Just to understand this again - I did sign it in July.2008, that should exempt me from HST (assuming what you are saying is correct). If thats the case i think i will sleep tight tonight ;)
Newbuyer, You have been fantastic help. Really apprecaite your input as its getting things cleared out in my head quick.

Just to understand this again - I did sign it in July.2008, that should exempt me from HST (assuming what you are saying is correct). If thats the case i think i will sleep tight tonight ;)

You are okay then. The exact date is June 18,2009.

Sleep well, buddy.
Unless they raised the price recently. Did you buy this long ago?
Sorry I meant 23rd and not 21st floor (apologies). I received this information by one of the RE agents that is helping me to make a decision. What do you think in general about the price point and the view to the outside from that Condo for higher floors.
Sorry I meant 23rd and not 21st floor (apologies). I received this information by one of the RE agents that is helping me to make a decision. What do you think in general about the price point and the view to the outside from that Condo for higher floors.

When I went like 2 weeks ago, the lowest they had was 24th...so obviously that unit is doing quite well. I think it's one of their popular ones. The price is almost similar to what I was quoted except for 284K, I was interested in the 25th floor. The price is not too bad...it's a little cheaper than Emerald City.

As for the view, you'll be pretty much looking more or less at those brown high rise apartments in front, but at least it won't be up close and tight.

Are you still considering of buying or you're already in the cooling period?
Emerald city has its own underground access to subway and fairview mall. It also has 9' ceiling instead of 8' at Ultra. As for the apartment building, many condos in downtown surrounded by ugly and outdated premises as well. I checked out Ultra's floor plans and they are not as good as Emerald's.
I checked out Ultra's floor plans and they are not as good as Emerald's.

If you can afford the southeast or southwest facing units @ Ultra ... I in fact think they are spectacular floorplans, even better than the ones at Emerald City, perhaps the best ones I've seen around the City ~

But of course if you were considering any other units @ Ultra, then the floorplans are not so well laid out


animatrix ... here's my 2 cents worth on the Ultimo 665 suite ~

  1. nice size bedroom (in today's standards)
  2. den is decent sized and is nicely separated with very usable walls
  3. those are killer corner windows, will surely make the unit 'feel' larger
  4. great balcony space which is very useable, its great that it is visually connecting to the living/dining room making it feel like a 'bonus space'

  1. mega wasted hallway space that is approx 14' long at entrance
  2. not sure how you can configure furniture in the living/dining room given kitchen cabinetry + window locations
  3. east view may be partially obstructed by Legacy (phase 1), see site plan below
  4. linear kitchen may be inefficient and provides little counter space, however this seems to be the new 'norm'?


Hi Solaris, I was actually looking for some opinion for the floor plan of 665. I figure out the one you provided is actually 655 instead of 665 :).
I went to the sales office yesterday. And get the floor plan from them. That is why when I look at the picture in the thread, I know it is 655.
Can you tell me about your opinion on the 665 design?

I think the unit from 5 - 21 floor have 20k off. It comes with parking and locker. The price is around 255k-270k depends on which floor.

Also, I am wondering why facing south is better than facing north on the Ultra?
When I look at their model, they are going to build Phase 3 on the south side of Ultra. I think the view will be blocked somehow. The 655 on the east side of the building will be blocked by Legency too. So I am thinking may be 665 on the west side is a good deal providing that they have 20k off below 22nd floor.
Why people is saying that facing north and west will never see the sun light?
Is it becuase of other building around? I personally like the window on the west side of the 665 master room. Since it is facing west, it is going to have sunlight in the afternoon instead of the morning (that is what I think, not sure if it is true). However, may be it is going to be hot in the afternoon in the masterroom because of the window too :(.
I know in 665 they have a long hallway too :(
The balcony is small and connected to the next unit.
Is it going to be hard to place the dinning table and furniture as well?

Do you think the price of the unit will went up once the construction is finished? How much you think I can rent the unit for? I want to dig out more before the end of 10days cool down period.
Thank you so much.
Ultra public transit

I also have a tough time deciding between Ultra and Emerald. And I finally picked Daffodil from Emerald over Ultra (the showroom 2 bedroom + den unit). I have considered the points below before I made up the final decision:

1. our family have been living around the area for 15 yrs, we know the neighbourhood inside out, so we have no bad feelings about the surrounding
2. the unit is for my soon retiring parents, so proximity to retail and public transit is a must (especially winter)
3. I like Emerald's standard 9' ceiling and feel that their layouts would be more practical

In general, I like both, but you really need to ask yourself what you need and what Ultra and Emerald can offer. Hope that helps!

Actually I was in the sales office. I think Ultra has free shuttle bus to fairview mall, which save you the walk in winter or on a lazy day. For me I think it is even better than tunnel during the night. It scares me sometime walking along in an empty tunnel.
Actually I was in the sales office. I think Ultra has free shuttle bus to fairview mall, which save you the walk in winter or on a lazy day. For me I think it is even better than tunnel during the night. It scares me sometime walking along in an empty tunnel.

I just remember the shuttle bus is from Monday to Friday rush hour only.
The mall closes at 9pm, so chances of walking through the tunnel at night is not that high.

And for shuttle bus vs tunnel, my dad would definitely prefer tunnel because he insists that within walkable distance is really important for him, so he will not be limited by shuttle bus schedule and road/weather condition.

But Ultra does have it's strength. I really like it's horizontal cabinet with frosted mirror doors, but the one who is going to live in the condo is my dad, so he makes the call :)
Hi, I sign some form in Ultra yesterday. I remember I sign a form for HST as well. The sales rep told me HST will be covered by them. And it is August, 2009. Where you got that date?
I don't understand what is your question.

Good that they are willing to cover the HST. I gotta ask for it to have it covered when I bought mine at Emerald. Sometime you just gotta ask.
Thanks Rocky. I can only work on this when i take a break from work.

Fantastic arrangement. Thank You Alex. just curious - does this take into account a generic Queen size bed (for instance) when these bed objects are placed in your picture (bedrooms) or are they just random sizes.
