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News   Oct 01, 2024
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Greyhound: Apart from that, how was your experience today?

I still believe in the justice system, even in a case such as this. If this person is disturbed, or insane, he still deserves treatment, though I would hope it would be in a secure facility like that in Penetanguishine and that he isn't out for quite a long time.

Reading the comments in some of the news sites, it looks like there's quite a few people calling for the death penalty, or worse, a summary execution. Please.

He deserves to have done to him what he did to the victim. Do you really think he should EVER be allowed to be a free man again?

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets what he has coming to him in prison.
He deserves to have done to him what he did to the victim. Do you really think he should EVER be allowed to be a free man again?

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets what he has coming to him in prison.
If he is genuinely mentally disturbed and did not understand what he was doing (which seems likely, given the facts of the matter), I don't think he should go to prison. Does that mean I think he should be set free? Hell no, he needs to be locked away in a mental hospital for a long, long time. However, throwing someone in prison when they're clearly mentally ill helps nobody and endangers society, since if he gets out, he'll have received barely any treatment.

Somehow, I don't think he's entirely sane, given how he viciously stabbed someone to death with no provocation, sawed his head off, started stabbing the windows of the bus, and did all of this with very little emotion.
I can't stand the legal defense of mental impairment. If you killed someone, and it wasn't an (jury confirmed) accident, then you should have the book thrown at you. Who's to say that Manson, Bernardo, and everyone else that kills isn't a lunatic? But we throw them in jail for decades, or life. Meanwhile, as long as some lawyer can convince a jury or judge that the accused didn't understand their actions, or whatever, they can get out of jail or receive leniancy.

Why did you post this in response to ShonTron's point that even the violent mentally ill deserve treatment. Does that mean you think that they shouldn't be treated?

When a mentally ill person who has no concept of what they're doing is violent or kills someone, I view it as a horrible act of nature, like an earthquake or typhoon. How can someone be held responsible if they don't know what they're doing? I don't know about this guy, although I suspect he's mentally ill.
He deserves to have done to him what he did to the victim. Do you really think he should EVER be allowed to be a free man again?

Yes, if he does the time, and gets proper treatment. If you can't separate the mens rea from the act because of mental health, or a young child (or the mental capacities of a child), the law says that normal incarceration is against the aims of fair justice.

Call me a bleeding heart if you like, but legitimately mentally ill/criminally insane people need treatment, not just locked in a box for the rest of their lives. I also don't think that most "normal" murderers should be put away for the rest of their lives - we have something called Dangerous Offender classification for the Bernardos of the world that does lock them up as long as necessary. Our sentencing system is quite fair, at least compared to the barbarism of places like Saudi Arabia (which some here seem to be calling for) or the excessiveness of the US system.

How can someone be held responsible if they don't know what they're doing? I don't know about this guy, although I suspect he's mentally ill.

I also don't think that most "normal" murderers should be put away for the rest of their lives

Their victims will never be able to walk free again, so why should they? Why should they even be allowed to live?

I'm quite curious to hear your reasoning. How does releasing a "normal murderer" as you call them do society any good?
I am very strongly against the whole idea of capital punishment. If people like Just Chris were in charge, as soon as that guilty finding was entered, Truscott would have been dragged outside that Goderich courthouse to the nearest tree.

If there's no mens rea (guilty mind) there has to be provisions to protect the public as well as address the problem. As for the judicial system, I strongly believe that the goals of punishment should be 1) Rehabilitation, 2) Deterrence, 3) Protection, 4) Punishment, in that order.

Capital punishment violates Goal #1. How can a dead person be rehabilitated? Secondly, Goal #2, deterrence - the presence of the death penalty has been proven not to be effective. Also consider that several US states have historically not executed people for years. In Michigan's case, that wasn't since the 1840s! And Canada, which last hung people in 1962, has a lower violent crime rate. Go figure!

As for our "liberal" sentencing, harsh sentences like the Rockefeller Drug Laws or "Three Strikes" laws, or "life means life" has not been proven to be an effective deterrent. Certainly some people should be confined indefinitely. But should this be a one sentence fits all? No.

I suggest people like Just Chris move to Saudi Arabia or Singapore or Texas, where their desire for vengeance shall be satisfied.
Really regret listening to that...

Use caution, especially if you have a fragile mind
the stabbing ; hot blooded rage

repeated stabbing; hot blooded rage and OCD

decapitation; hot blooded rage & gone nuts

cannibalism; i don't think you can rehabilitate someone that sees you as food.

i wonder if this guy has a history or any more victims?
Really regret listening to that...

sorry. i should have put a warning. (i put a warning now)

the people who were there will be fucked up for life. i would not be surprised if some of the witnesses actually commit suicide after going through that experience. they better put grief councilors on them asap.
sorry. i should have put a warning. (i put a warning now)

the people who were there will be fucked up for life. i would not be surprised if some of the witnesses actually commit suicide after going through that experience. they better put grief councilors on them asap.

According to the reports I heard, they were talking to councillors the night it happened. I worry that someone will go home saying "I'm fine" when they are clearly going to have issues.
