Did they not purposefully leave this gap between the bridges over the CN tracks and the location of the new GO/VIA station? Would there not be enough room to put one track (green line) between the two structures? I'm just going by what I observe but it looks like they've built both structures to accommodate a pedestrian bridge to connect them (red lines). Thoughts @crs1026 @smallspy ?
I have no official documentation, but at the sidewalk level I would have to agree that the space is there and nothing would preclude putting a walkway across the two structures. They may indeed have been designed with that in mind. (Don't think of it as an overhead walkway, think of it and the stairways on either end as a traffic calming zone for the afternoon sprinters who dash off the GO trains ;-) )
The original EA of 2011 recommended that the Bowmanville line bypass the new station altogether. No doubt ML has rethought that, and perhaps that's not a bad thing. However, when one looks back at all the acrimony about that decision over the years of planning - it was hotly debated in the community - and the money spent to acquire and bank the land for the Thornton station, one realises that much time, effort, and money is being put to waste by redoing the plan. Another example of transit planning in the GTA cycling over and over.
I'm thinking that rather than send my 10 questions to the Loyal Opposition, who are pretty anemic on the whole topic, it might interest someone like Sue Anne Levy of the Toronto Sun more. I can't wait to see ML's four options and their rationale for why the 2011 EA got the routing wrong.
- Paul