But what leverage does a Premier have to mess with King Street? It’s a city thing.
He has the Highway Traffic Act. And more...The Province has massive sway over everything municipal under the Municipal Act and the subsidiaries, like the City of Toronto Act. Municipalities in Ontario, and constitutionally in Canada, are complete creatures of the provinces.
Ford hates streetcars. With a vengeance...
I've amassed a number of references of the Province's power to pretty much do as it likes with Toronto, even over-ruling the City of Toronto Act in any and every part if it wishes. The Metrolinx Act alone extends power to take over any municipal transit system it likes for whatever reason tickles its fancy fare box. But Metrolinx would never be the vassal of the Premier now, would it?
So let's flip this over: What *prevents* Ford from turning the TTC into a ferris wheel in the Portlands, with a cherry street on top?
Cherry picking parts of the TTC was in the PC's manifesto before the palace coup on Brown. With Ford's fiddling fools on the loose, he's likely to do anything that pleases his great big fancy.
He will run afoul of his own mantra about letting cities make their own decisions.
You give him far too much credit. Is this before slashing funding for the CBC, or firing the CEO of Hydro One? The man hasn't a clue on what he says, what it means, and how to affect it.
For someone who makes labels, he can't even figure one out for himself.