Senior Member
The entire premise of people flocking to this faster bus in the hydro corridor is predicated on these people wanting to travel from a major intersection or terminus to another major intersection or terminus. Anything having to do with a 'local' stop is going to be subject to a lot more than a 300 - 400m walk north to the hydro corridor.
So now our rider has to walk to Jane and corridor to catch this faster bus. That is well over 1km away, meaning at least 12 - 15 minutes walk.
Your issue seems to be with the stop spacing, rather than the actual alignment. An in-median BRT with 2000m spacing would have the same issue. To compare alignments, assume the same stop spacing in both corridors. Given the same stop spacing, the people's average walk to BRT would be about the same, yet the hydro corridor bus would be significantly faster, thanks to 100% signal priority.
Here's some footage I took yesterday of the Finch Hydro Corridor Busway. Notice how buses on the busway almost never stop. I challenge anyone to find an in-median BRT or LRT that has such effective transit priority while inconveniencing other transport so little.
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