I am sure there are lawyers whispering in their ears incessantly about liabilities - real or perceived. After all, if the general public cannot be trusted to make educated decisions about pulling a Calvin and Hobbes on any snow covered slope in the GTA, how can we trust them to make decisions about an at grade crossing on a single track currently experiencing a lower level of use. But possibly, just possibly.....they are thinking of the future, twinning the track, introducing 15 minute service to somewhere, running Via express up and down the Valley, maybe a 'Valley Express' LTR line...or possibly not. It is the eve of St Patrick's Day after all, and leprechauns and fairey magic abounds, along with a dram or two of Redbreast or Jameson's or Bushmills, or all three. Enjoy your dram, enjoy the day, and hopefully in a year or two as nature begins to reassert itself around the site, we won't be dealing with controversy because the ramp grades are too steep, the corners too abrupt, people are suing for any manner of things and the whole pile is closed as a danger to the general public while studies are conducted on what to do next. O'l Suas!