Streety McCarface
Senior Member
I have been critical of LRT. But I am equally critical of the subway plan. Neither addresses what people actually want in Scarborough: a shorter commute to the core. And both plans keep beating around the bush by tinkering with travel times on a portion of the commute.
"Shorten your bus ride with LRT!"
"Save time when you eliminate a transfer."
Why the hell can't planners and transit advocates push better integration with GO and full RER service that reduces commutes by 20-30 minutes? This is what people actually want and need. Saving 10 mins over the bus or transfer is a bandaid solution.
A lot of us don't really trust Metrolinx's ability to actually deliver the RER we want. They are a regional agency that doesn't always consider the needs of Toronto and have to deal with government bureaucracy on a provincial level. There's also the issue of privatization (P3s because we all know how well that worked out in London), and short-selling things (ie Hydrail, lower platforms, Electric Locos instead of EMU rolling stock). New technologies (LRT, Regional Rail, etc) haven't been proven here, and can't be compared to other cities because every system is different, every city's commuting pattern is different, and every city's geography is different. There's also the desire to overbuild certain things (within reason, or at least plan for the future) to avoid transit chokepoints like the one we are in now.