Senior Member
What people don't like is blowing billions of dollars on taxpayer dollars for projects to benefit his political fortunes, while cheaping out on the ones that actually need full capacity. No reason the entire SSE has to be underground, and there's really no sensible justification for the Eglinton West extension to be underground either.
This is all subjective bloviation. To someone living in Bendale, the subway through there is more relevant to them than whether someone in Corktown has a stop at their doorstep or not. Heck SSE's more relevant to commuters living in Cedarbrae, Woburn, West Hill and Port Union too - all downstream along Lawrence East. There's nothing about the Ontario Line proposal that cannot be ironed out in time. You're the ones wanting it rushed through. It seems only the Crosstown gets stuck as is in perpetuity when Miller, McGuinty, et. al. promised Torontonians that it could one day be converted into a full-fledged subway line. What happened to those talking points?
Tell me how an elevated guideway is going to go up Danforth-McCowan Rds, btw. It can only be tunneled. If you wanted surface subway in the SRT corridor, you shouldn't have turned against your own "subway champions" (Hunter, Murray, DeBearemaker, Stintz) in the overt attempt to stick it to the Fords. You only stuck it to East End residents for another generation.
And every iteration of Eglinton West except Transit City called for a tunneled or elevated Eglinton West Line through Richview. From Bill Davis to Bob Rae to Smitherman to John Tory.