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Cycling infrastructure (Separated bike lanes)

Rather than quote the 'bike lane behind parked cars or in front of' exchanges, all very good, btw, I think the solution for Bloor especially, but applicable to many cases, is for parking one side of the street, as most streets now have and are set-up to do, and a bi-directional bike lane the other side. Like all compromises, it's not perfect, but it does eliminate the mindless passenger door exit (often children), pedestrians who step into the bike lane without looking, whereas they wouldn't into a full street, and most importantly, it leaves *sight lines* unobstructed, both for cyclists, motorists sharing the same road, and intersecting roads, where the motorist's sight line is also blocked by that line of parked cars further out in the roadway, and thus they're forced to nose out across the bike lanes to see what's coming.

The downside is parking only one side of the street, so merchants will find that to bitch about (whether their concern is baseless or not). Bi-directional bike lanes offer the huge benefit of passing opportunities if there's no oncoming bikes, and psychologically too, you're not 'cycling a tight-rope' like on many spots on Bloor.

I too find Bloor a very iffy and dangerous ride, one must not only guess what their next move is, but also what everyone else's is too. I see people flying along there without a clue, passing on your right, jumping red lights, and just generally being jerks.

Toronto has a long way to go to match 'cycling cities'. And part of the problem is general cycling mentality as well as poor infrastructure. They conspire together to stymie moving this forward.

On a separate note: I had a collision on Adelaide two nights back in the westbound lane near Bay, some idiot with no lights and incompetent in other ways just suddenly stopped mid-lane. Didn't look, signal, or think. No damage, although I wanted to hit the guy for being such an idiot, but that evening was full of dangerous events coming west across the city on what should be 'safe' routes.

So last night, coming west across the core from lower Cherry St, I decided to avoid that situation again, and took the Lakeshore path. Other than about half of the cyclists not having lights, the *flow* was much more predictable, and it was possible to discern oncoming cyclists w/o lights by their blocking the lights of those behind them. That's still a risk, but much more predictable. I normally avoid the Lakeshore path as when packed, it's almost completely unpredictable, and the wanna-be jocks are as dangerous as the morons in doing stupid things without thinking.

Lighting from the Sherbourne to Spadina stretch wasn't great, but sufficient, far better than Adelaide across the same stretch. I'll use the waterfront route now as my default option on nights where it's not overcrowded down there.
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Bloor is most dangerous at night, both in Koreatown and then in the frat boy strip in the Annex, pedestrians treat bike lane as continuation of side walk and cars treat it like continuation of street-parking.

If the bike lane was on the other side of the parked cars, then you'd have other issues. Like I said the whole concept is flawed and the public lacks education.
Why have on-street parking at all on the arterial roads? Especially, when there are off-street parking available nearby or public transit.

The other problem are the w-i-d-e suburban traffic lanes we give to motor vehicles. In Europe, they make do with narrow lanes. Narrow the suburban traffic lanes and use the available space for bicycle lanes. It'll also force the motor vehicles to slow down. See link.

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It's not only a pinch point, it's one of a number of that trail that is highly ambiguous. In retrospect, one of the reasons I found the trail the best way across the core last night was the lack of pedestrians, although there were enough that one had to be highly alert at all times. I can't really blame the pedestrians, many of them are tourists, or just unfamiliar with the area. I hold other cyclists to a greater degree of culpability. Toronto is going to have to learn to demark cycle trails from pedestrian ones.

From the Waterfront announcement:
[At all times through the construction period, cyclists are asked to respect existing instructions to dismount and walk their bicycle through this gap in the trail.]
Good luck on that. Most cyclists don't stop at stop-signs, let alone dismount to use crosswalks. They'll just go flying into the pedestrian path oblivious of pedestrians.

Waterfront might have to force dismounting by using a temporary chicane.
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Post-amalgamation Toronto uses 3.0 meter target lane widths, except for streetcar centre lanes, curb lanes that are used as street parking or shared with bikes, and curb lanes on bus routes.. Of Toronto/Engineering and Construction Services/Standards and Specifications/Files/pdf/Road Design Guidelines/Lane_Widths_Quick_Reference_Version_2.0_Jun2017.pdf

AmnesiaJune, stop making stuff up. Point out a 3.0m traffic lane on a major arterial road in Toronto.

Post-amalgamation Toronto was 19 years ago. Only 4 years ago in summer of 2014, Stephen Buckley (former GM of Transportation Services - or as some would consider an anti-cyclist GM) started work on reducing minimum standards for lane width in Toronto from 3.3m to 3.0m; and that Summer Stephen Buckley allowed City's traffic engineers to start designing with the minimum 3.0m traffic lane IF needed.

The 3.0m lane width are NOT functional nor realistic targets! Even with ReImagining Yonge Street Study where one goal is to maximize pedestrian sidewalk space and introduce cycling infrastructure; the regular traffic lanes are reduced to 3.2m and 3.3m for traffic lane used by TTC bus.

AFAIK, the only 3.0m traffic lane in Toronto on arterial road is along Harbord Street where traffic lanes were reduced to 3.0m width to squeeze in protected bike lanes. NOTE: this 3.0m is below the TTC 3.3m minimum traffic lane to be used for bus route! The TTC bus 94 has a heck of a time on Harbord where it constantly overflows onto the cycling infrastructure part of the roadway.
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And more importantly, maintain street parking.

City did not maintain the same number of on-street parking spaces on Harbord Street. The number of on-street parking spaces on Harbord Street was significantly reduced.

City should have actually did a business impact study before and after Harbord Street protected bike lanes project.
We're not in Portland Oregon,.... but much closer to home,..... "Korea Town business owners ‘concerned’ about Bloor bike lanes’ impact" ,..... "Maria Suarez, who owns Ave Maria, wasn’t exactly won over by the cyclists’ coffee “love-in.” In an interview later that day, she told the Star that her sales are down 40 per cent since the bike lane went in, and neighbouring businesses are seeing similar declines."
