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2019 Canadian Federal Election

I kind of expected this to happen and it isn't a bad thing at all. This should make people adjust their predictions.
Green Candidate wins in Naniamo-Ladysmith.

Had been an NDP seat.

Greens 37.3
Cons 24.8
NDP 23.1
Libs 11

FWIW, this appears to be an over performance by the Greens who had been polling in the low 30s.
The order in the election was NDP, Lib, CPC, Green's. So Lib + NDP fell from 1st and 2nd to 3rd and 4th. Or in terms of vote, they went from 57% to 24%.
Anyone know what the turnout was? Usually a low turnout for by elections can skew the results.
Really curious to see if housing costs becomes an election issue. None of the party's have done anything to get prices down. The solutions all lead to taking on more debt and getting less equity.

The Conservatives allowed longer mortgages when they were in power. Lower payments. More debt.

The Liberals have the ridiculous plan where the government gets an equity stake, allowing buyers to simply bid higher.

The NDP wants to build more affordable housing which would be great for renters. But does nothing for those who want to buy and bikes equity.

None of them want to address the money laundering in real estate:

None of them really want to address what buyers want: cheaper prices. None of them want to discuss the issues with urban sprawl and how it's driving up prices for the few options left near city centres. Housing costs seem like a real sleeper issue.
41% is low. No wonder Greens won. Everyone else stayed home.

Housing won’t be an issue in October election. It’s mostly a problem in Toronto and Vancouver only. The other cities in Canada is pretty much affordable for the average person. Toronto and Vancouver are the global cities and our real estate is driven by global elites parking their money. The only way to solve it would be to tax foreign owners with higher property taxes or to limit construction of small condos and focus on family sized units and to remove the yellow belt zoning restrictions to encourage more medium-density housing. Federal government can’t do much about this beyond tweaking CMHC rules. The best they could do is to abolish the CMHC but that’s not politically feasible as many first time buyers would be locked out immediately - which would cause a housing recession.
Toronto and Vancouver are the global cities and our real estate is driven by global elites parking their money. The only way to solve it would be to tax foreign owners with higher property taxes
Taxes are not a way to solve it, at all. The buyers simply become accustomed to the new price and pay it. What we need to follow is Bermuda's example, where no one, not even Oprah (lol, she tried) can purchase housing on the island. Only citizens who are Bermudian British Overseas Territory citizens can own property. So, Ontario and BC need only to change property laws that permanent residents or citizens can own property, no corporations can own private SFHs.
There are other things you can do as well.

You could make a rule that you have to own a house at least 5 years or else you pay capital gains on the sale.

You could have a vacancy tax.

You could ban Air BnB (probably not that popular).

Our politicians aren't serious about tackling the issue because their own friends and families benefit from high house prices.
Taxes are not a way to solve it, at all. The buyers simply become accustomed to the new price and pay it. What we need to follow is Bermuda's example, where no one, not even Oprah (lol, she tried) can purchase housing on the island. Only citizens who are Bermudian British Overseas Territory citizens can own property. So, Ontario and BC need only to change property laws that permanent residents or citizens can own property, no corporations can own private SFHs.

I like this idea. It would be nice to give citizens priority when it comes to purchasing real estate, and not be priced out by outsiders just playing monopoly. I know that goes against the rules of capitalism, but I'm more ok with that than ever before based on the insanity I've witnessed in the city I was born in, raised in, and lived my whole life in.
Elizabeth May wants to team up with Trudeau to keep the Conservatives out of government

This seems strange. Everyone in Canada views Trudeau as the most corrupt PM in living memory. Elizabeth May herself called out Trudeau during the SNC Scandal as directing the Attorney General.
Now Elizabeth May says she will team up with Trudeau.
First of all - how would she expect JWR or Jane Philpott to join the Greens when she makes this statement.
Second, how would she expect any Canadian to support her when she would support such a politically corrupt and unethical person. Despite the recent good polling numbers, it appears that May is doing everything possible to lose her support.
Elizabeth May wants to team up with Trudeau to keep the Conservatives out of government

This seems strange. Everyone in Canada views Trudeau as the most corrupt PM in living memory.

Where the hell do you get off making a statement like this? Everyone? Really? You continue to post in a forum where the vast majority of posters regularly ridicule you for being dishonest or gullible or both.

Do you imagine yourself entitled to speak for the majority here?

A single person disagreeing with you would disqualify the use of the word 'everyone'.......that a majority of Canadians wouldn't likely agree just amplfies the scope of your trolling.


Further, there are many of us who are disappointed with Trudeau for various reasons, we may or may not prefer another party or leader; but the vast majority here would be less comfortable with Mr. Scheer than any other leader of the Big 4 (excluding the BQ)

Also 'most corrupt' is a rather big you recall a previous PM caught accepting cash in a paper bag from a foreign citizen? Just wondering.
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