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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Hopefully Tory will perform better once the Liberals are gone. He knew this was a Liberal town and he had to kowtow to the idiocy of the Wynne government. Now he may be more free to govern with common sense. And I recall Tory and the Fords were on good terms a while ago - and I could see a return to that since Ford would be happy to have an ally at city hall.

Yes, just like the Clintons were honoured guests at Trump and Melania's wedding; John Tory and Doug Ford have been close friends for years and ideologically are very similar. Being in this echo chamber, you'd think the second coming of the Anti-Christ is upon us should Doug win this Thursday - 4 short days to go! - but I know Friday morning, the world will still be turning, the sun still shining, and everyone's fears and doubts will likely be put to rest.
Hopefully Tory will perform better once the Liberals are gone. He knew this was a Liberal town and he had to kowtow to the idiocy of the Wynne government. Now he may be more free to govern with common sense. And I recall Tory and the Fords were on good terms a while ago - and I could see a return to that since Ford would be happy to have an ally at city hall.

How soon people forgot that Doug Ford and John Tory were rivals in the last Toronto election. How soon people forgot that John Tory was the Progressive Conservative leader and opposition leader for Ontario from September 28, 2004 to March 20, 2009.
Hopefully Tory will perform better once the Liberals are gone. He knew this was a Liberal town and he had to kowtow to the idiocy of the Wynne government. Now he may be more free to govern with common sense. And I recall Tory and the Fords were on good terms a while ago - and I could see a return to that since Ford would be happy to have an ally at city hall.
IMHO Tory is governing a non-partisan government as best he can and he has given his best try at being a centrist, if not in fact then certainly in spirit. For one Doughie acts like a mewling child when someone disagrees with him or whining that being mayor would be better if it was like Chicago, a common theme when dealing with democracy when Doughie was "co-mayor".

Tory has experience in leadership roles, has been, and is Mayor of Toronto, things that Doughie has no or little experience, the same as being the Leader of The OPC. Tory has several business successes but alas Dougie is a one trick pony under his daddy at his daddy's company. To date, Chicago (the venture under daddy) is the only survivor amongst every other failed attempt after daddy past away.

If by common sense you mean using a narrow view to solve problems that you yourself can only see then you can keep it; Harris was enough for a lifetime.

The Fords broke campaign promises and attacked Tory's family, I'm sure "real" friends do that in your reality but that does not wash in the reality we all deal with on a daily basis. If Tory decides to work with him it would be IMHO because he is a leader and not out of fielty.

Lastly, Doughie does not have allies, he has tools that when they don't serve his purpose anymore he casts them aside.
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I think a Premier Ford would be quite petty and vindictive towards Mayor Tory and the City of Toronto.

Agreed. Doughie doesn't like it when his intended scapegoats turn the tables on him.
I’m struggling to think of someone *less* capable of managing a complex power dynamic than Doug. Maybe Mammo, but I’m not sure.
I'm sure bringing up Robbie is too soon for some.
I honestly haven't met a single person who thinks that.

Yeah, when a poster posts "everyone" when they really mean "everyone I know", "everyone I commonly associate with", etc, it comes off as a little

And as I've suggested, in this case it's like saying "everyone (I know) thinks Robert Bateman is one of Canada's greatest living artists and it's a damned shame elitist art institutions don't give him his due", etc.
Hopefully Tory will perform better once the Liberals are gone. He knew this was a Liberal town and he had to kowtow to the idiocy of the Wynne government. Now he may be more free to govern with common sense. And I recall Tory and the Fords were on good terms a while ago - and I could see a return to that since Ford would be happy to have an ally at city hall.
So tolls on the DVP for a start?

And replacing the Ontario Northland Northlander with a Northerners can have a subway ride all the way downtown. And labels for everyone, doubtless...
Hahaha. And cutting taxes for the homeless...

In today's extremely bizarre exchange that demonstrates how poor of a grasp he has on social issues, Doug Ford spoke about his plan to help homeless LGBTQ youth: "We're going to cut their taxes."
You misheard him, he said "cut their taxis".
Isn't that a matter of perspective? It looks good if you're a PC supporter.

Any scenario wherein the Liberals are reduced to just two seats is joyous cause for celebration in my book. My riding's flipping it seems and I can't say that I feel sorry for the Liberal incumbent either who hasn't done much for my area. This is what happens when you take your constituents for granted.

Hahaha. And cutting taxes for the homeless...

In today's extremely bizarre exchange that demonstrates how poor of a grasp he has on social issues, Doug Ford spoke about his plan to help homeless LGBTQ youth: "We're going to cut their taxes."

Well it's not like the status quo does much for the homeless either. Thousands of homeless with no fixed address are being denied their monthly welfare benefits. The people that need social assistance the most are getting nothing and have to panhandle just to get by. We mock Ford for handing out $20s but remember who placed those people in vulnerability in the first place.
