Developer: Plaza
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 48 Abell St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 197 ft / 60.04 mStoreys: 20 storeys
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Toronto Epic on Triangle Park | 60.04m | 20s | Plaza | TACT Architecture

Doesn't look too epic... but a tasteful design nonetheless. The narrow pre-cast facade reminds me of Quay West @ Tip Top.
Oh, condo marketing.

That building is neither imposing nor impressive nor surpassing the ordinary. That park definitely has more than three corners and three sides.
The perfectly fine, historic 48 Abell has to be knocked down for this mediocre schlock? Pushaw.
What normally triggers a rash of developers to concentrate on pockets of land like the "West Triangle"?
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Interesting how in the image of the neighbourhood the affordable housing building and the other two condo buildings to the west don't have labels. Are all of the labeled buildings owned by Urbancorp?
yes all labelled buildings are Urbancorp projects
