Developer: Plaza
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 48 Abell St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 197 ft / 60.04 mStoreys: 20 storeys
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Toronto Epic on Triangle Park | 60.04m | 20s | Plaza | TACT Architecture

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As usual, thanks Ed for the update.
I have plenty of issues regarding this development but the possible false advertising is annoying me right now.
For instance isn't the "Epic Mews" a back alley for the Queen St. buildings including Wolfits? How do they plan on planting trees (or whatever the green round things are) if it is still needed for other puposes. I also have a hard time believing that the parking lot on the west side of the post office will be green. It doesn't help that these where the same guys who rendered Lamport Stadium as a beautiful big park:


(from JanneClaude link)

Not that it's impossible to redevelop the back alley, but this makes it look like it will be part of Epic's property and a linear square. Meanwhile it will might just be a concrete slab. And the parking lot *could* be replaced, anythings possible, but my spidey senses say unlikely.
Does anyone know the feasibility of this plan? It will make me happy to be wrong about this.
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I don't understand why the historic building couldn't be used as a podium.

Structural inadequacy? (Well, if you're talking about the actual superstructure of the place. I'd assume "using it as a podium" would either involve total facadism or a tour de force of structural gymnastics.)
Well, good examples of facadism are happening in several high profile projects right now, so I'm curious why no similar approach was taken here, especially given the initial outcry a few years ago.
We're losing that building? Lame...

Meanwhile across the street sits a Price Choppers covered in orange sheet metal along with a suburban-style 1970 strip mall embarassment.

I automatically hate this project and the developer now.
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Well, urbancorp is the one who brought you Westside Lofts, who probably pulled one of the biggest architectural bait and switch in recent condo history, along with other simiiar promises on architectural excellence (Bridge by Alsop, anyone?) that didn't pan out It's "Epic" alright - epically trashy for all ages, fit for the Götterdämmerung.

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It sucks seeing that building gone.

