Developer: Plaza
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 48 Abell St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 197 ft / 60.04 mStoreys: 20 storeys
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Toronto Epic on Triangle Park | 60.04m | 20s | Plaza | TACT Architecture

Never been to this area of Toronto (or atleast don't remember). But, from the photo updates, this area looks like a pile of shit. ALL of those buildings are so ugly and are almost complete trash.
Never been to this area of Toronto (or atleast don't remember). But, from the photo updates, this area looks like a pile of shit. ALL of those buildings are so ugly and are almost complete trash.

Pile of shit? Looks like you never see a really ugly building. That area has nothing really wrong, please stop complain to everything in this city.
Never been to this area of Toronto (or atleast don't remember). But, from the photo updates, this area looks like a pile of shit. ALL of those buildings are so ugly and are almost complete trash.

How long have you live in this City??

Have you visited this area at all??

Have you visited every corner of the city??

By the sound of your statement you are in never land and don't trash when you see it.
You can see it poking above That crappy building on queen with the parking in front of it now. Speaking of, when is that going away? Can't believe Abel street gets demo'd while we keep that peice of junk. Queen west is nice but @hamiltonian is right, this pocket of condos is garbage, all of the space between the towers is either horribly disjointed or dedicated soully to cars.
I agree that the building isn't beautiful - and the parking lot is a bit deadening - but the lofts above Wolfitts/Curry's are actual artists' lofts - a friend of mine lived in one until recently - and the building has a secret gorgeous garden.

Just a reminder that destroying things that don't fit into a perceived aesthetic often has unintended consequences.
7 June 2014: The only thing epic about this project is how tall it seems looming over the drake strip


It's got that standard TACT SLM grey ww:

(I gotta find their supplier--as a joke I'm gonna do a NimbyTect design using this same window wall to see how easy it is to be a TACT window dresser :p)
