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News   Jan 02, 2025
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News   Jan 02, 2025
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  1. PukeGreen

    Ottawa reclaims top spot in MoneySense's 5th annual "Canada's Best Places to Live"

    Fair enough, but it all depends on your priorities. A resident of, say, Newmarket may enjoy a high "Toronto salary", but probably only if they commute into the city every day. Markham, Newmarket and Whitby would be nothing but farmland if it weren't for their proximity to Toronto. Ottawa is...
  2. PukeGreen

    Toronto has the worst average commute in the world

    Great news, everybody! The National Post says commute times are fine in Toronto, and that everyone should just drive, and everything else you hear is just fear mongering from the "transit-industrial complex". Phew, what a relief. The great gridlock joke Terence Corcoran, National Post...
  3. PukeGreen

    Toronto King East Centre | 140m | 39s | First Gulf | WZMH

    That was my first reaction, but then as I thought about it more, I figured they are planning ahead for future developments as well. There are numerous condo developments underway within walking distance (King East, Clear Spirits, etc.) and huge plans for the development of the West Don Lands...
  4. PukeGreen

    Downtown Porsche (64 Parliament St , 2s)

    I walked past this monstrosity yesterday and I think it is a crime that such an ugly slapped-together box is being constructed in this neighbourhood. The "rear" of the building -- which faces the intersection of King E and Parliament, it's worth noting -- is now a multistory concrete block wall...
  5. PukeGreen

    Rob Ford wants to terminate the "War on Cars"....

    Shortsighted and idiotic. Is it really that hard to understand that public transportation helps car drivers, not hurts them? If any significant percentage of the millions of people on the TTC were to convert to cars, the roads would be even more jammed. Also, you can "spruce up" the Gardiner...
  6. PukeGreen

    Where do you live? Condo, House, Rental, low-rise, high-rise, etc.

    Since "Van Down by the River" was not an option, I had to choose Mid Rise Condo.
  7. PukeGreen

    Toronto King East Centre | 140m | 39s | First Gulf | WZMH

    I think this comment is related to the Greyhound Bus Depot nearby, not the Sun Building. I'm not sure how the Greyhound topic got pulled into this thread, but it did, and it's a bit confusing!
  8. PukeGreen

    The Economist: The charms of Calgary and the gloom in Toronto

    Okay, I'm admittedly biased here, but... Calgary has one thing going for it. Oil. Pumping it, processing it, selling it. Energy is pretty much recession proof, so they've done well for the past few years. But one day the oil will run out, or alternative energies will rise to prominence, and...
  9. PukeGreen

    Transit expansion for a better Toronto! (Rally/Protest idea)

    The transportation and transit situation in Toronto is intolerable. A new study released today ranks Toronto's commute as the worst amongst 19 global cities: Meanwhile, all the talk...
  10. PukeGreen

    St Lawrence Market

    Yup, this is Claudio Aprile's new restaurant, which has a more "normal" small plates menu compared to his molecular gastronified Colborne Lane joint nearby. Based on the money and effort they spent restoring and beautifying the interior of this building for the new restaurant, I'm sure they...
  11. PukeGreen

    King West versus St. Lawrence Market

    I've written numerous long posts in the past about how much I like living in the SLM neighbourhood, so I won't repeat it all here. Suffice to say, it's very livable and walkable, yet fairly quiet. It's a true neighbourhood in that you can quickly get to recognize and know people in the various...
  12. PukeGreen

    Illogical Toronto haters

    Blind Toronto hatred is frustrating. Like the above posters, I don't mind intelligent discussion about the positive and negative points of the city, but when people have a blind hatred based on totally nonfactual and nonsensical reasons, and they don't want to hear anything different, then it...
  13. PukeGreen

    Downtown Grocery Store List (current + proposed)

    I quite like the little Front St. Sobey's. Of course the prices are not as low as No Frills, but they're not *that* ridiculous, most products are comparable to the local competition, ie. Market Square Metro and Queen's Quay Loblaws, and depending on the product or sales some things can be...
  14. PukeGreen

    Rental Car Agency Nightmare

    Back to the original post, this comment about being arrested because of lack of a "pink insurance card" is a bit alarming. In all my years of renting I've never received any such card. Damage coverage aside, has anyone ever heard of "non-owner" car insurance in Ontario that covers only...
  15. PukeGreen

    Rental Car Agency Nightmare

    I rent cars four or five times a year, and what you describe is the kind of nightmare I hope to never have to experience. You can drive carefully, but you can't prevent others from doing something dumb to damage the car, whether it's parked or you're driving at the time. I know it doesn't help...
  16. PukeGreen

    Toronto The Berczy | 41.76m | 13s | Concert | Arcadis

    Ah, I suspected as much. I guess "trick of perspective" was a nice way of implying that the render is inaccurate. Still like it, though, 13 stories with setbacks will not overwhelm.
  17. PukeGreen

    Toronto The Berczy | 41.76m | 13s | Concert | Arcadis

    While this design isn't enormously exciting, I'm thrilled to see the revised renders look less "faux historic" than the old one, with a lot of the beige ornamental trim replaced by a more contemporary looking black. Phew. Also, the in-context render shows it as no taller than the Flatiron...
  18. PukeGreen

    King East Condos (Lamb Development, Hyde Park, Sher Corp ) - Real Estate -

    I don't know much about the individual units or prices per square foot, but I can speak to the neighbourhood as I live quite near. It's an area that is actually very livable and a bit under the radar, and I think that will change in the next few years. You're within walking distance of the...
  19. PukeGreen

    EAST Lofts Condos (Harhay Construction) - Real Estate -

    Funny, same thing happened to us. Aleen's quoted us on blinds and they looked great, but it was more than we wanted to spend. Ended up ordering them online from I was pretty impressed. First they send you samples of the kind you're interested in, then you do...
  20. PukeGreen

    Spate of Pedestrian Deaths in GTA

    I do drive; I commuted several hours a day by car for 10 years before I finally gave it up on it, partly due to the daily frustrations it caused me. I agree that it can be difficult at times, especially downtown, but I still maintain that having to wait is no excuse for endangering pedestrians...
