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  1. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, it doesn't. That's really not what I'm saying. Sure, you're right: that would be overly pedantic, but luckily that's not what I'm doing. I'm valuing his comment at approximately zero because he doesn't say anything meaningful.
  2. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Yep! You can tell because people keep riding on the damn thing.
  3. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm all about giving the benefit of the doubt, but if this guy has Smoking-Man-From-X-Files-style knowledge of a conspiracy so deep it would blow our tiny little minds and destroy the planet if it were ever exposed, then 1) he would get that sort of detail right 2) he wouldn't be blowing smoke...
  4. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's clear from the video sequence numbers that the missing video referenced was filmed in-between videos already in the possession of the police/Crown, all on "crack video day", i.e. Feb 17 in the Basso's basement. Therefore I'm not reading much into the so-called "missing video". How does an...
  5. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The 'marc rosen' comment struck me as total baloney at the time, and it still does now. In another comment he refers to Toronto police as TPD (emphasis mine). Who says TPD instead of TPS? Someone who's making things up and not even doing that great a job of it, that's who. Then some...
  6. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    The word "disaster" can be used to mean many different things. It doesn't necessarily have to mean "cataclysmic natural event". This thread is about municipal politics, so it's all relative. Especially Doug. In that context, he's the worst relative. I don't think it's hyperbole by any means to...
  7. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't remember ever hearing anything like that before, although as always I may be wrong. Also, it doesn't line up with other theories that Ford started in on the crack after the death of Doug Sr., although of course that's a rumour too, even if it was in the meticulously-researched Crazy...
  8. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    OK - I withdraw my "stock photos" bit; that was poorly thought-out on my part. No, I wouldn't use the work of others without appropriate licensing/permission. Perhaps - in my increasingly-dull hypothetical scenario - I already have a royalty-free license to use those images for various purposes...
  9. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I appreciate the effort and outlay of resources by the people who made this happen. Most importantly, they actually did this: as Ford likes to say, actions speak louder than words. I didn't do this; the people who did do deserve recognition for what they achieved. However, your points don't add...
  10. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You mean where are they since Rob showed up at City Hall looking like he'd eaten a ghost (thanks, this thread!) and Doug was taking individual councillors into the back room one-on-one? Dunno. Hopefully in a room listening to Dennis Morris tell them how it's going to be an expensive few months.
  11. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Interesting background - thanks! I don't want to knock the people who did them, because I enjoyed them and I'm clearly not the only one. However, given a decent stock photo and twenty minutes, I'm pretty sure I could come up with something comparable. I could also get them printed out at TPH or...
  12. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't need to see it, nor do I want to see it. I just need a judge to see it. Thanks for drawing attention to the graphic visual, though... :(
  13. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, I don't know that no-one has asked; this is a topic in which I have taken an interest, and I'm not aware of anyone asking. If only this were the biggest problem we faced with Ford as Mayor...
  14. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Your personal attitude is [hopefully] quite reasonable [if we assume that the Fords aren't going to actually do anything]. However, not everyone will necessarily find the same quantity of courage that you do in the face of this unprofessional & childish behaviour. I stand by my assertion that...
  15. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To their faces? Not to my knowledge, but then they don't exactly make a habit of answering questions which aren't about how great they are. On Twitter? Yep, seen more than one person ask @TOMayorFord. Naive to expect a response, of course, but there it is. Perhaps I'll ask the Mayor next time...
  16. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let's pretend for a moment that we don't know anything bad about the Fords. No crime. No links to violent criminals. None of that. Taking pictures and video of peaceful protesters is still intimidating. Team Ford doesn't have to do anything. The implicit threat is enough. What threat? Doesn't...
  17. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bad photo, or is he looking uncharacteristically pale/worried? I know, I know: wishful thinking... but it's coming. I just don't know when.
  18. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed. Just because it doesn't work on you doesn't mean that Ford's goons videoing you isn't intended to intimidate and shut down lawful & peaceful dissent. That we can even consider not being afraid tells us how lucky we are to live in Canada, and - by extension - how much we stand to lose if...
  19. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perruzza is the same guy who had to ask what the DRL was in Council a few months ago. He is unlikely to win "Most Likely To Know What He Is Talking About" any time soon.
  20. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, they probably got the idea from that taxi driver who called the Fords after St. Paddy's Day 2014 to tell Doug how sad he was that people were badmouthing Rob.
