Architect: Core Architects
  Request Info
Address: 480 University Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 679 ft / 206.95 mStoreys: 55 storeys
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Toronto The Residences of 488 University Avenue | 206.95m | 55s | Amexon | Core Architects

The NW subway entrance looks like it might be near to opening – the hoarding's come down in the station and there's just caution tape up. Sorry, no pics – stopping in an exit corridor in rush hour breaks the cardinal rule of living in cities (Keep Moving or Get Out of the Way).
The NW subway entrance looks like it might be near to opening – the hoarding's come down in the station and there's just caution tape up. Sorry, no pics – stopping in an exit corridor in rush hour breaks the cardinal rule of living in cities (Keep Moving or Get Out of the Way).
It has opened.
The NW subway entrance looks like it might be near to opening – the hoarding's come down in the station and there's just caution tape up. Sorry, no pics – stopping in an exit corridor in rush hour breaks the cardinal rule of living in cities (Keep Moving or Get Out of the Way).

It opened. The elevator is functioning and it’s unofficially the 45th accessible TTC Station. (It’s not yet marked as accessible though it now is.)

Direct access to the office building is by keycard only.

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