December 2014 proved to be a busy month for UrbanToronto, with plenty of news updates about current and future developments around the Greater Toronto Area. Our second-most clicked-on article wouldn't be considered a big surprise; a report of a zoning application to permit a 68-storey, mixed use tower at 1 Eglinton Avenue East falls squarely in with our fascination with tall towers, but more surprising might be the biggest story of the month, a feature on Cadillac Fairview's controversial move to allow illuminated signage atop their landmark TD Centre, indicating that our wide readership base are not only interested in the latest developments, but that they also care about the long term curation of our greatest buildings.

Our Top Ten News Stories

The TD Centre, image by Marcus Mitanis

Our most popular dataBase file of December was that of Great Gulf's One Bloor East. Just over half-way towards its final height, the 75-storey tower is already making a major impact on its surroundings and is beginning to rise above the height of neighbouring office towers
Our Top Ten dataBase Files
Our Forum was also very active during the month of December, when many around the city were given a brief reprieve from school and work for the Holidays. The top Forum thread of the month belongs to the Sun Life Financial Tower and Harbour Plaza Residences development, currently under construction at York and Harbour in the emerging South Core area.
Our Top Ten Forum Threads 

Tower floors rising at 1 York, image by scamander24

We will return next month for a recap of January's top news stories, dataBase files and Forum threads!