It was a celebratory atmosphere at the Midtown Toronto construction site of Lifetime Developments and Knightstone's Whitehaus Condominiums this past Friday, as crews gathered to commemorate the topping off of the Diamond Schmitt Architects and Turner Fleischer Architects-designed condominium tower on Yonge Street north of Eglinton. With the building now arriving at its final 31-storey, 107.2-metre height, Friday's topping off celebration marked a major milestone.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoLooking southwest to Whitehaus Condos, image by Jack Landau

The building's final few feet of concrete and steel are now being formed high above the corner of Yonge and Helendale, obscured from view by formwork in photos captured from street level. A few levels below, the white window wall cladding from which the building draws its name is quickly enclosing the tower, with just a few more floors left to install. A copper-hued treatment encloses the podium anchoring the tower to Yonge. 

At the current stage of construction a project has typically reached its peak workforce, with forming wrapping up while work continues on both interior fitting-out and exterior finishing. With all the various trades on site at once, the topping off party has become a tradition in the building industry, giving crews a chance to step back and celebrate the work completed so far.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoTopping off party at Whitehaus Condos, image by Jack Landau

Friday's party brought together a large group of crews and executives—with ample precautions taken in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic—to enjoy a meal and other festivities.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoTopping off party at Whitehaus Condos, image by Jack Landau

With the construction hoist shut down due to Friday afternoon's high winds, the party marked an early end to the work day for many of the crews, adding to the celebratory atmosphere. A raffle was held for site workers, filling the unfinished third floor of the building with animated cheers and playful jeers for prizes awarded to standout workers.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoRaffle prize being awarded, image by Jack Landau

Commemorative t-shirts marking the occasion, featuring a stylized image of the completed condo tower, were also handed out to the construction crew.

Whitehaus Condos, Lifetime, Knightstone, Diamond Schmitt, TorontoWhitehaus shirts, image by Jack Landau

Additional information and images can be found in our Database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment below.

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Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Cecconi Simone, Diamond Schmitt Architects, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, TUCKER HIRISE Construction, Turner Fleischer Architects, Vortex Fire Consulting Inc.