Block Developments has submitted two separate Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment applications to the City of Toronto for a pair of 8-storey mid-rise residential buildings at 646 Dufferin Street and 1494 Dundas West, straddling 3 low-rise buildings at the north-west corner of Dufferin and Dundas Streets. The east-west portion of Boland Lane runs between the two developments.

Looking north-west to the intersection of Dufferin and Dundas, image obtained from submission to the City of Toronto

The building on Dufferin would bring 85 condo units to the 0.55-acre site which is currently occupied by a surface parking lot. 7 four-storey townhome units would lie on the western elevation of the building, fronting the north-south portion of the T-shaped Boland Lane. The massing follows a 45-degree angular plane on its northern face, transitioning down to the adjacent 2-storey homes. Constructed with a unit mix of 32 one-bedroom, 37 two-bedroom, and 16 three-bedroom units, the building would have 48 parking spaces in a below-grade garage.

Looking west to 646 Dufferin, image obtained from submission to the City of Toronto

The smaller building on Dundas would house 45 condominiums with 396 m² of retail at grade. Heavily favouring two-bedroom units—39 of them—the building would also include 4 one-bedroom and 2 three-bedroom units. Construction of the project would see the demolition of five low-rise retail buildings. 18 parking spaces would be housed in a 'stacked' garage using elevators and individual platforms to store vehicles.

Cross-section of the south buildings eastern elevation, image obtained from submission to the City of Toronto

While both of the RAW-designed buildings were submitted with massing and elevation diagrams, only the 646 Dufferin proposal documents include colour renderings. While it's too early to be considered a final design, the cladding appears to be dark grey masonry with wood-coloured accents framing some of the inset balconies.

Looking south-west to 646 Dufferin, image obtained from submission to the City of Toronto

Additional information and images can be found in our database files for the projects, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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Related Companies:  Bousfields, RAW Design