Originally proposed in 2017, The Howard Property Group has submitted updated architectural plans for an extension of their rental property at 368 Eglinton Avenue East. Located just east of the Eglinton and Mt Pleasant intersection and a coming Crosstown LRT station, the 11-storey addition will be integrated into the side of an existing 13-storey tower-in-the-park style rental building, bringing an additional 76 rental apartment units to the area.

Southern elevation of 368 Eglinton East, image courtesy of The Howard Property Group

Designed by Kirkor Architects, the mid rise extension reaches toward the northern and southern property lines, forming a T-shape when combined with the existing building. The design's north side terraces down on a 45 degree angular plane, bringing the building more in line with the low rise residential properties to the north. Materially, the facade is comprised of vision glass and grey spandrel window-wall and framed by beige and grey precast.

Angular plane of 368 Eglinton East, image courtesy of The Howard Property Group

The addition will have 42 one bedrooms, 24 two-bedrooms, and 10 three-bedroom apartments. The below-grade parking structure will be extended underneath the new build to accommodate the additional residents moving into the building. No retail component is proposed for the project.

The revisions have led to a 20-unit decrease as well as an alteration of the built form: the original proposal did not follow the 45 degree angular plane along the northern elevation of the building, while the massing of the southern elevation has been simplified from four stepped volumes down to three.

Left: 2017 design, Right:2019 design, images courtesy of The Howard Property Group

The evolving application is heading for the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) as the developer appealed the City's lack of a decision within the prescribed timeframe. A second LPAT pre-hearing has been scheduled for mid-May. Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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