Last week we took you inside Tableau Condominiums for a look at the progression of work on the building's northwest corner, floor-by-floor in the a 36-storey condo tower by UrbanCapital Property GroupMalibu Investments and ALIT Developments. There is still a whole lot more to see on the construction site, and today we return with a report on the progress of the building's four-storey podium, which will feature a replicated historic facade, a dramatic colonnade and sheltered piazza, as well as retail, office and amenity space.

Tableau's podium, viewed from the northwest corner of Peter and Richmond, image by Jack Landau

The Peter Street frontage of the development's ground floor, visible on the right side of the image above, will feature the replicated historic facade of 117 Peter St, a three-storey office/warehouse building which was demolished to make way for the new development. The facade in question will be rebuilt with new bricks, not pretending that an old building exists behind the skin, but reminding the passerby of the area's earlier low-rise character.

In the image below we look through the site of the sheltered piazza that sits below Tableau's namesake table-topped podium. The lofty space—larger than it looks in this photograph—is supported by a nine-column colonnade and will be another of Toronto's recently dubbed Privately-Owned Publicly-accessible Spaces, or 'POPS' for short.

Sheltered piazza and colonnade at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

A POPS is a spot that while remaining the property of the land owner, has City-negotiated public access rights. In a quickly intensifying landscape, these are areas typically with creative landscaping or programming where people will be able to gather and enjoy themselves. 

Sheltered piazza and colonnade at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

The to-be-completed POPS here will feature a huge public art installation by Shayne Dark called 'Nova', a display comprised of several bright green poles leaning against each other at varying angles, some of which will rise through an opening in the tapletop's roof. The installation will stand roughly where the image above was captured. Below, a shot from above the tabletop looks down through the opening to the space below.

Tabletop opening for Shayne Dark's Nova, image by Jack Landau

Framing for the north windows of the retail and office levels of the podium was recently installed. In the image below, a construction worker walking through one of the future retail units gives a sense of scale to the space.

Future retail unit at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

Stepping inside one of these future retail units emphasizes the high ceilings, and ample natural light to be had despite the sheltering tabletop above.

Future retail unit at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

To the west of the ground floor retail units, access to the building's residential lobby will be via the Peter Street side of the property.

Future residential entrance at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

The elevator lobby will be wedged shaped, mirroring the POPS space outside the windows.

Lobby and elevator core at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

The second and third floors of Tableau is where the office space will be here.

Future office space at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

The office levels will feature a light-well at the back of the building, and a terrace on the second floor. Glazing installation is now under way around that terrace, and it's here on the east side of the second floor where Wallman Architects, the designers of Tableau, will be moving their offices to. Principal Rudy Wallman is thrilled to be relocating his firm into the showcase structure, proud to show off this result of their work.

Lower office level and glazing at Tableau, image by Craig White

The terrace and the glazed second floor offices can be seen at the bottom of the image below. Above it is the third floor office space, followed by the double-height fourth floor indoor amenity level of Tableau. A small fourth-and-a-half-floor mezzanine can be seen at top left.

Office, amenity levels and lower south terrace at Tableau, image by Craig White

Amenities for the residents to enjoy on the 4th floor include a fitness centre, games/billiards room, theatre, reading room, party room with show kitchen, dining room, guest suite, and a conference room.

Fourth floor amenity level at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

A dramatically turning staircase, currently being constructed, will lead from the indoor amenities to the building's outdoor amenities on the fifth floor. The staircase tapers as it ascends to the first landing.

Amenity level stairs at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

A rendering of the completed staircase gives us a preview of what this space will look like once all of the Cecconi Simone-designed fixtures and finishes have been applied.

Amenity level stairs at Tableau, image courtesy of UrbanCapital

The interior amenity spaces at Tableau are still in a very raw state, and there is still plenty of work left to do before these areas begin to resemble completed amenity spaces. The image below was captured from what will eventually become the building's party room, one of the many amenities located on level 4.

Future party room at Tableau, image by Craig White

Tableau will also offer plenty of outdoor amenity space, making use of the podium's roof on the north, east, and south sides to create amenity terraces. Outdoor amenities at Tableau will include private cabanas, as well as BBQ, dining and lounge space. The future south terrace is seen below, currently being used to store wall forms.

South amenity terrace at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

The north and south terraces will to be divided up amongst both private terraces fir individual suites as well as common amenity space for all residents. The north terrace, seen below, widens to follow the wedge shape of the piazza which sits below.

North terrace at Tableau, image by Jack Landau

Photos hardly do justice to the impressive spaces found in the podium and under Tableau's signature tabletop, and the video below should help to paint a clearer picture for you.

There is still plenty more to see at Tableau, and we will be returning tomorrow to wrap up our tour of the building, with a look at the tower floors and the views of the city that Tableau residents can expect to see upon moving in.

In the meantime, additional information and renderings can be found in our Tableau dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  CCxA, Cecconi Simone, Milborne Group, Quest Window Systems, RJC Engineers